Devastating Times Knowledge Was Dropped On Ignorant People

According to our timelines, pretty much everyone is a medical expert or scientist these days. These "experts" throw around knowledge that is factually untrue and sometimes even downright dangerous. And it's extremely satisfying when these wannabe Einsteins get schooled by actual professionals on social media. This gallery is full of that delicious dunking. We hope these numbskulls learned their lessons and maybe even starting cracking some actual books.


Text - 9:45 434% facebook i FOX4KC.COM Seven people have now died in Wyandotte County due to COVID-19 76 135 Comments · 23 Shares Like Comment Share If you divide 7 by 172 cases it gives us a death rate of 0.04%. Happy your rights have been taken away with lightening speed and your personal economy has been destroyed for that? you have to multiply by 100 lol it's 4% View 69 more replies...


Text - Alanah Pearce Bros. Ultimate replied Shelbi Miller @ShelbiMiller12 4d Not to bring anyone down (cause a degree is a degree), but if your majoring in something easy, like communications, anthropology, or political science, your 4.0 is not impressive to me 389 L7 32 463 Alanah Pearce Bros. Ultimate o.: 7h v You're* 89 t7 84 3,556


Text - Dr. Phillip Binzel found an 81% cancer cure rate using liquid laetrile in apricot seeds. When he ordered this, the FDA tried to block the import of liquid laetrile in the United States. Liked by Course, pharmaceutical companies just wanna make more money :. more View All 25 Comments It was banned because ingesting it causes cyanide poisoning Imao


Text - Lauren Houston @LegalizeitLala · 53m The term "anti-vaxxer" is an underhanded slap in the face. The sheeple consider us "murderers." What are we gaining by speaking up other than anger and people calling us liars or insane while they sit there and never research the effects of ingredients? 3 8 Arguing With Idiots Passes The Ti. ·4m v The safety of the ingredients of vaccines *has* been researched, by proper scientists, not just by Karens wandering around their echo chambers. Vaccines work


Text - Here is my completely unvaccinated boy so happy and content. With a fully functioning immune system working how it should without being compromised #vaccinefree 4. Repiying to That's a nice immune system he has there. It'd be a shame if Measles infected his macrophages, silenced his dendritic cells, and killed his memory cells wiping his learned immunity.


Text - Craig Kelly 3 hrs O OH NO !? IGNORANT POMMY WEATHER GIRL CALLS ME A 'CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER' See more Good Morning Britoin Sydney itv STUDIOS LONDON LIVE SYDNEY THE LATEST AUSTRALIA ON FIRE Authorities warn the danger is far from over and temperatures will rise again Good Morning Britoin neeunr vnanane na ArAe DAILYMAIL.CO.UK I BY DAILY MAIL GMB presenter Laura Tobin brands Sydney MP a climate change denier Chloe-Amanda Bailey


Text - ns I had a TERRIBLE reaction to the HPV shot when I was 16 yrs old & I cannot believe our government is trying to mandate it. Mandating vaccinations against diseases that are NOT contagious and therefore pose NO danger to the public is a dangerous precedent of government overreach. -9s Replying to @ How did you get the vaccine a over a year before it was even approved by the FDA? Your timeline presents a problem. It makes you a liar. You turned 17 a month before it was licensed You could


Text - @Ran Cure for cancer? nope. But a vaccine in a New York minute. For a strain of the common cold. 13:55 · 2020-03-13 · Twitter for Android 11 Retweets 267 Likes Kester hemzpua 17h Replving to @sinbin 36 @6ixbuzzty and @kangersiani977 well I mean its easier to find a vaccine for a virus than a vaccine for an abnormality in cell reproduction, or a vaccine for your empty brain




Text - Tweet Good perhaps ppl will realize that you won't die from the measles and it strengthens your immune system organically and not in some unnatural way. Ethan J. Lindenberger @ethan_Joesph16 Replying to @Nards649499551 and @FullFrontalSamB Oh man. I'm so glad 158,000 people have stronger immune systems. Oh wait..actually that's the death total of measles from 2011. 08:50 4/5/19 Twitter for iPhone ili View Tweet activity


Text - l 2degrees 12:14 AM Tweet Kind reminder. The X chromosome contains 1098 genes. The Y chromosome has only 78 genes. The X chromosome is over 5 times larger than the Y. Its science. Female are superior. By far. Hence hundreds of years of chauvinism to try suppress her. Goodnight. 19/02/18, 10:34 PM 19 Retweets 75 Likes Replying to Onions have more DNA than humans Tweet your reply Q


Text - yes lets just disregard centuries of research from scientists and physicists because you saw something on YouTube or Facebook. 1) the earth is spherical, there's plenty of evidence for it 2) the earth is not flat, there's plenty of evidence against it 3) the earth is spherical, don't be dumb. 2d Like Reply You trust random men who label themselves as "scientists" and tell you lies? only question. have you seen the ball earth yourself? That's my 2d Like Reply I am a scientist. I know how m


Text - Jessica Meir @Astro Jessica My first venture >63,000', the space equivalent zone, where water spontaneously boils! Luckily I'm suited! 10h 0:04 母84 230 @Astro_Jessica Wouldn't say it's spontaneous. The pressure in the room got below the vapor pressure of the water at room temp. Simple thermo ithelpstodream Some guy just mansplained space to an actual fuiking astronaut. tedbroiler tfw correcting misinformation is written off as mansplaining darwinquark tfw when idiots on tumblr who know ja


Text - 5h People act like this is so hard, I'm 15 and yea I do have a really high IQ (150s) and I can easily do integrated calculus in my head, and easily calculate the amount of valence electrons in a nucleus. And l'm also highly trained in quantum physics, by the way I'm totally self educated. Reply + -12 + Sh There are no electrons in any atomic nucleus. 會94


Text - Hardresser Hospital Worker Admits The Virus Is A Lie 29 mins · YouTube Friends Save · More Like React Comment Share Did you actually watch this? Its bullcookies. AIDS isnt airborn! And that isnt a hospital cap, its a food service cap. So this person might be a "hospital worker" but they are NOT a nurse or doctor. Literally no one who works with infectious disease would ever have their hair down outside of a cap like that. That's absolutely ridiculous. Youre sharing a conspirac


Text - @JoeBiden 2d President Obama and I left a playbook for President Trump on how to fight pandemics. He flat-out ignored it. And we're all paying the price every day. Joe Biden 26.2K LI 64.5K O 312K Heather Vail @Heatherv84 2d I was gonna reply with a sarcastic answer...but instead I have a question...why was there a playbook on how to handle this pandemic if "NOBODY" knew it was gonna happen?! 281 L7 166 1,339 Thomas Dettman @chozopriest Replying to @Heatherv84 and @JoeBiden It's almost lik


Text - Neil deGrasse Tyson O @neiltyson The Leap Day is misnamed. We're not leaping anywhere. The calendar is simply, and abruptly, catching up with Earth's orbit 3:42 PM · Feb 29, 2016 10.3K 5.8K people are Tweeting about this If only there was a name for a sudden and abrupt lurch forward 6:05 PM · Mar 2, 2016 12 8 See Christian's other Tweets


Text - Ross Tucker @Scienceofsport Replying to @Scienceofsport However, even without that recent evidence, the biological principles for separation into men's and women's categories in sport are so strong that to overturn it requires exceptional evidence (2/) 4:04 PM · Aug 23, 2019 729 Q 130 people are Tweeting about Kaz Self @kaz_self Are you a biologist? Are you a scientist? Have you got a PhD? Published a paper in a peer reviewed journal? If not then STFU 9:48 AM Aug 10, 20


Text - B.o.B Follow @bobati The cities in the background are approx. 16miles apart... where is the curve ? please explain this murderedbywords With the circumference of 24901 miles, you are looking at a curvature of around .2 degrees, or a little more than 10 feet at 16 miles away. May I say, that curvature is still significantly higher than your IQ. 4d 4 likes Reply


Text - Replies Philip Batterham This video is misleading, possibly deliberately so. There are people born with Y chromosomes who are female and it is not that rare. To say so is not leftist. You just need an education in genetics. Further, there are people born intersex, and it's genetic. 2.3K 4w Like Reply You look like a nice guy Philip, but she is a Pediatrician 130 4w Like Reply Philip Batterham Ostirtam Philan and I am the President of the International Genetics Federation. Write a reply...


Text - Katie Mack O @Astrokatie Honestly climate change scares the heck out of me and it makes me so sad to see what we're losing because of it. 3:02 PM Aug 15, 2016 O 3.3K 1.2K people are Tweeting about this Jessica Kantrowitz @jfkantrowitz If anyone's wondering why @AstroKatie looks familiar, I present the best reply ever seen on Twitter. (Gary got suspended, but his tweet read, "Maybe you should learn some actual SCIENCE then, and stop listening to the criminals pushing the #GlobalWarming SCA


Medical procedure - PSYPOST.ORG Lower working memory capacity linked to non-compliance with social distancing guidelines during the early stage of the... I don't know what "lower cognitive ability" means, but I certainly won't wear a mask ever em


Text - Maajid „läs gel O @MaajidNawaz Replying to @SamHarrisOrg @jricole and 4 others Hi Prof... please don't "Islamsplain". Thanks 12:09 AM · Apr 1, 2019 704 O 68 people are Tweeting about this Juan Cole @jricole Replying to @MaajidNawaz @SamHarrisOrg and 4 others Dude, I have Ph.D in Islamic Studies. I think that was the point. 12:15 AM Apr 1, 2019 2.1K 169 people are Tweeting about this Maajid „Lis İ @MaajidNawaz Replying to @jricole @SamHarrisOrg and 4 others You really wanna go there with m


Text - Replies gnganz13 - 7 months ago Foxes are Lupine, not Canine - completely different species. The problem with putting more effort into sounding authoritative than being accurate is; you reveal that you are an idiot. 1.8K 6 months ago (edited) "Canine" is the layman term for all animals in the family "Canidae", which includes every animal in this list plus a few more (like the bush dog and the raccoon dog.) The problem with putting more effort into sounding smug than being accurate is that


Text - VaccineChoices-Fact VS Fiction, Conversations and Research How do you refute the false claim that doctors make that if you get the flu, it will not be as severe if you've taken the flu shot? I'm so sick of hearing this lie, but I don't know how to explain that the immune system doesn't work like that! 1 comment O Like Comment So you want to refute the knowledge of doctors whose profession involves an extensive knowledge of the immune system but you know that they are wrong about the immun


Text - ** Fact - if the earth was 10 ft closer to the sun we would all burn up and if it was 10 ft further we would freeze to death... God is amazing!! 5 comments Like Comment Wow.that's crazy! Like Reply - I knooooow! Like Reply · Amen Like · Reply to anyone wondering, that's not true. 1)Earth's orbit is elliptical and the distance from the sun varies from around 147 million kilometers to 152 million kilometers on any given year. 2)Every star has a habitable zone that is affected by the size of


Text - im gonna do a thread on weird things British people do 4:23 PM May 6, 2018 O 1 8 See zoey (very ia)'s other Tweets Replying to @eternallyshit yall and your Celsius telling the temperature who the f*ck uses Celsius 4:23 PM · May 6, 2018 8 See zoey (very ia)'s other Tweets okay but Celsius Fahrenheit 8 See other Tweets


Text - 47toolate Why should Atheists be given leave on religious holidays ? If Atheists are not comfortable with the concept of god,why do they happily accept holidays named after gods? Noam Kaiser Why should religious people be given access to scientifically devised Medical care? You could just pray.


Text - Was trying to think of the least. scary thing I could be for I became the measles d Would you like to accompaný me on my rounds? You can tell our measles encephalitis and viral sepsis patients, the ones in comas and seizures and high fevers, that their suffering isnt all that bad and is just being exaggerated by "Big Pharma" and clueless quacks who "HaVeNt DoNe THEIR rEsEaRcH" like me. You can even assist with the spinal tap! Read your favorite vaccine insert to them while


Text - When NASA first started sending astronauts into space, they realized that the ball-point pen would not work at zero gravity. A million dollar investment and two years of tests resulted in a pen that could write in space, upside down, on almost any surface and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300°c. When confronted with the same problem, the Russians used a pencil. *Wites at 2ero glaviy * Works upo Gown basilton: In the early years of space flight, both Russians and Amer


Text - ALL forms of mercury are classified as a GENETIC TERMINATOR. Thirrmosal is 49.5% mercury. D 7 Like Reply Message 1d Edited A Hide 17 Replies Nope. b 11 Like Reply Message 1d Please, prove me wrong. Like Reply · Message 1d The Logic of Science Let me try to explain it this way. Sodium is extremely reactive. It literally explodes when it touches water. Chlorine is highly toxic at anything but very low doses. Table salt (aka sodium chloride) is 50% sodium and 50% chlorine. Does that mean tha


Text - Matihew Wilox DEAR ATHEISTS: How is it that cavemen survived the asteroid but the dinosaurs didn't? Mara Bangs Trick was to keep a safe distance from the dinosaurs - about 65 million years or so seemed to do the trick


Font - E #FBPE replied Stanley White @StanleylsWhite - 12h Remoaners keep going on about Brexit Bin academics and scientists. Well academics didn't help us on the beaches or in the trenches. That was down the Great British spirit, grit, determination and strength. Academics would be shit in the trenches. Brexit needs heroes. Fuck experts. O 2,259 2737 104 Brexit Bin * #FBPE @Brexi... 1h v Dear Stanley, This is an enigma machine. It created German codes. It was impossible to crack. A bunch of Bri


Text - Alexander "Chadicus Rex" Cortes Ph... · Oct 30, 2018 Unnatural hair colors in woman are a warning signal to stay away, Its an example Aposematism-the phenomenon of poisonous animals in nature advertising their toxicity and lethality JulieG @stringy Aposematism is there to warn off predators, not sexual partners. If you're repelled by it, it's working. 9:02 AM Nov 15, 2018 10K O 1.4K people are Tweeting about


Text - Neil Clark @NeilClark66 Jul 30, 2020 If masks were necessary for our survival as a species we would have evolved one by now. We haven't. We have noses and mouths. We have airways. It is not natural for people to go around with face masks on in their general life. And no amount of govt propaganda can change that. Shaun @shaun_vids neil do you wear shoes 10:42 PM · Aug 1, 2020 5.2K 334 people are Tweeting about


Text - Erin un This is a standard vaccine composition. Which of these chemicals do you object to having in your body? Ethanol Propyl acetate 2-Methylpropyl acetate Propanol n-Butyl acetate 2-Methylpropanol 2-Methylbutyl acetate n-Butyl propanoate n-Butanol n-Pentyl acetate 2-Methylbut-3-enyl acetate 2-Methylbutanol 3-Methylbut-3-enyl acetate 3-Methylbut-3-enol 3-Methylbut-2-enyl acetate n-Pentanol n-Hexyl acetate E-Hex-3-enyl acetate Z-Hex-3-enyl acetate Hex-4-enyl acetate Z-Hех-3-enol E-Hex-2-e


Text - ** Fact - if the earth was 10 ft closer to the sun we would all burn up and if it was 10 ft further we would freeze to death... God is amazing!! 5 comments Like Comment Wow.that's crazy! Like Reply - I knooooow! Like Reply · Amen Like · Reply to anyone wondering, that's not true. 1)Earth's orbit is elliptical and the distance from the sun varies from around 147 million kilometers to 152 million kilometers on any given year. 2)Every star has a habitable zone that is affected by the size of


It contains more than 4,000 chemicals and it has spread into every human body on Earth. Among its components are formaldehyde, acetone, ethanol, ketone bodies, dihydrogen monoxide, tryptophan, urea, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Hexosephosphate P, and at least 20 kinds of acids. Nearly every chemical constituent will, in certain concentrations, kill children and adults. Chemical compounds within it are also used in yoga mats, explosives, warfare, and industrial applications. It is now so pervasive tha

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