Medical Secretary Recounts Eighteen Frustrating And Amusing Tales Of Entitled Patients

No one wants to personally deal with horrible customers or patients, but we do appreciate someone who takes one for the team and lives to tell the tales from it. We thoroughly enjoyed the following stories from an unamused medical secretary! 

If (for some odd reason) you enjoy feeling angry, have some more enraging stories about entitled people via Fail Blog!


Text - Jul 27 · : I love when people try to argue their way out of paying a consult fee because they "googled it" and "know whats wrong"..well then google yourself a treatment plan. Shit.


Text - Jul 24 · 8 Me: would it be ok if we booked your next visit for 9 am? Patient: no, id rather keep it for 8:40 Me: ... ok, it's just the last 4 times including today you've come in 10 minutes late so maybe 9 would be better... Patients: that's because I drop my kids off at day care for 830 and have to rush here Me: .. right so if we book it for 9 you won't have to rush. Patient: but then l'll get here early and l'll have to sit around waiting. JFC. ....


Text - Jul 8 · 8: Patient (who i'm sorry, did not speak english well): Hi I want to book an appointment Me: Okay, right now we are booking into the week of July 20th Patient: Ok, I want an odd day. Me:, an odd number? Patient: Yes Me: Okay..How about the 21st? Patient: Sounds good! Patient, calls back: Hi you just booked me an appointment for July 21st and I said I want an odd day. Me: Right... Patient: Thats not an odd day. Me: ....really don't understand. Patient: Not something in Ju


Text - Jun 18 · 2 People are a different kind of special today. A woman, who found our clinic by closing her eyes and calling the first clinic she pointed to, was rude to me for not having availability for new patients until July. She asked why we're so busy and I explained we've only been open for 2 weeks and are busy re-booking our March/April/May patients at the moment.. was very tempted to tell her maybe she will have more success with the next clinic she points to..but I didn't because I ha


Text - Jun 17 a guy called me angry this morning because he'd been trying to call last night and kept getting our voicemail (which is the "longest goddamn voicemail message ever") and I asked what time he called and he said 6 and I said if he listened to the voice mail he would know we closed at 4, and also the doctor that he wants to see on Friday afternoon does not work Fridays...and we're not open Friday afternoons.


Text - Jun 15 I am so bad at spelling things out phonetically. Its atrocious. Merchant: Can you spell your last name for me? Me: Sure. Uh...S as in Seagull..O as in our...but like, not the unit of time...U as in that's not right...U as in Urn.. know what I think I Merchant: .. ... got it, thanks. And I'm really glad she stopped me because my brain was thinking "T as in titty"


Text - Jun 12 · 8 I just watched a guy turn into our parking lot and then start walking away from the clinic so I had to run outside and be like what are you doing? This is private property you can't just park your car and leave it. Not to mention you're parked in our handy capped spot and are clearly not handy capped.


Text - Jun 4 · Patient: hi l'm hoping that I can get in for an appointment as soon as possible. I'm flexible with times Me: I do have an appointment tomorrow at 9 or 1230 Patient: oh well I can't l'm golfing. Me: ... okay. The next appointment would be the 16th Patient: oh wow seriously? That long? Me: ... I literally offered you an appointment tomorrow.


Text - Mar 18 Did I really just have a patient get mad at me because I wouldn't sell her a bottle of hand sanitizer, one of our ONLY bottles of hand sanitizer left, hand sanitizer that is on back order for WEEKS, maybe months? Yes. Yes I did. "Well you're closing for 2 weeks so you don't need it" Well...we'll need it when we re- open and its still on back order. As a medical office that sees 40-50 patients a day, we will definitely need it.


Text - Mar 10 · : I had to ask a patient to spell his name for me today and he kind of laughed and said "John?" like, you need me to spell John? and I explained that yesterday a man named Dennis came in but his name was spelled D- E-N-I-Z so now I don't take any chances. Anyway his name was spelled J-O-N.


Text - Feb 26 · 2: 2 patients arrive at 10:30. One was supposed to be here at 10:15 so obviously I bring in the patient that is on time... 10:15 patient: Is the doctor running behind? Me: Well, your appointment was at 10:15, so yes. It will be about a 10-15 minute wait. Patient: I wrote down 1030. Me: Okay, well I told you multiple times 10:15 on the phone, but you kept repeating back 1030. atient: Why didn't you correct me? Me: ...l did, multiple times. Patient: Why would I write down 1030 then


Text - Feb 19 · 8 Man telling me about his 5 marriages: yah got married in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s and then I took a decade off and got married in 2010! My lawyer loves me!


Text - Feb 6 · : Patient: complains to me that shes been waiting an hour for her appointment Also patient: arrives at 130 for her 2:30 appointment. Also patient: That woman that just left, why was she seen before me when I got here first. Me: Because her appointment was at 2 and yours wasn't.


Text - Freedom ? 10:34 AM 44% O Jan 15 · I had a guy get mad at me because he couldn't get through to talk to anyone while we were closed for lunch. He called 13 times between 12:30 and 12:38. He proceeded to tell me that he didn't feel like listening to our VM greeting because it was "too long"'s really not that long, its 20 seconds, literally, and it does outline what our office hours are and when we are closed...He then proceeded to ask me if we are open on Saturdays..and | told him no,


Text - 19 August at 10:50 . Me, talking to a patient about an appointment: I have an availability on August 26th at noon Patient yelling to his wife: They can get me in January 26th at noon Wife, screaming in the background: January??? JANUARY?? Are you kidding me?? Me:.uh.August...*yelling into phone* AUGUST! Patient, to wife: Sorry, she's saying March now. Wife: MARCH??? THATS EVEN WORST! Let me talk to her. Me, having panic attack and wondering what the fuck is happening: AUGUST! Wife: Hello?


Facial expression - Aug We have a new emailing system at my work to send out important notices and I really like it because it shows me who opened/read the email, and who unsubscribed, etc...So when this patient came in and got mad at me for not knowing our fees went up and for not telling him, I was able to see that he in fact unsubscribed from our emails, otherwise he would have seen the notice. M-DUN The future is now, old man.


Text - 18h · 0 Gotta love when a patient you fit in at the end of your day complains about "the long wait"...okay cool, we want to go home too but we're here as a favor to you? I don't know, leave and come in during our office hours? Oh wait, they interfere with YOUR work here we are, staying open an hour later, for you. Smh.


Text - 16h : Guys remember that guy who booked an appointment for August 26th at NOON? Not January, or March. Today. At Noon? Well anyway he wrote down the wrong time and missed the appointment.

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from Memebase

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