18 Times Old People Made Facebook Better

We're here to give the elderly some serious props for trying to figure out technology. But sometimes (often) they fail. And it's so, so, so, entertaining. This may sound like some light bullying, but we are coming from a place of utmost respect, a place of undying appreciation for their ability to accidentally create the kind of wholesome content that the rest of us just need.




Text - Anna Nicole Smith May 31 at 6:29 PM She was good looking! And now she's dead! Like Comment Share


Text - < TTIarstay ar o FRIENDS ADDICTION My whole life is the episode of Friends where Ross drinks all those margaritas and keeps telling everyone that he's fine when he clearly isn't Like Comment Share 1 share I Wonder how many folk who drink to excess realise the amount of calories they consume the damage they are doing to their Liver & other organs the risk of still being over the limit the next day & the dreadful feeling of a hang over AND the expense!! IThink before you drink to excess FRI


Chin - Judy call me O lost your mumbet + Add Friend Message More


Text - @35 % Bell 11:31 Vox's Post Vox Vox Yesterday at 17:53- Christine Yes it's been good. Weather has not stopped us doing anything. Nice to spend some time with Margaret she is feeling good at the moment so good timing. Hope all is well this end for you and mum is keeping on keeping on. Thanks for replying. Know you must be busy. Enjoy Bye for now Christine xxxx Trump did not address members of the alt-right gathering for a Portland rally, but did say he's considering designating antifa an "


Text - 1 hr I suspect my son has dyslexia. How young can they be diagnosed? Who do I go to? How can I help him at home? Would love your help ! I'm feeling very lost right now 6 Comments Like Comment Bathroom accessories


Text - 10:32 Meanwhile in Canada Sunday at 9:25 PM- while in Canada 25 PM-3 Pole dancing bear at Fairmont Hot Springs resort in the Kootenays, British Columbia. I was a Life Guard there in the early 1970's! Beautiful area. 35m Like Reply Paulette Just returned from Fairmont and got a picture of a bear walking down the side of the fairway right across from our condo 19h Like Reply Irene So that's where they were off to! Saw them walk past our condo Saturday evening 19h Like Reply Sue Or Randy Too


Text - THEY WERE WARNED, JUST LIKE WE ARE. Than they should warn poeple about falling off ladders I broke three ribs and got pneumonia all most died my wife at that time would have well off 1 Like Reply 4W


Text - I do not give Facebook permission to print anything off my computer


Text - 5:52 5GE < 28 mins My Mac has a bug...which anti virus is good to protect a Mac! Like Comment Share SPRAY, WITH AT LEAST 40% DEET FOR WEST NILE Like Reply 15m GIF Write a comment...


Face - pasta Add Friend 9 mutual friends including


Text - 59 mins Fill in your responses. When i was a child... Ronald McDonald birthday parties were the thing and he always hosted the party. 3 Comments 1 b Like Share Comment When I was a child I would never get a chance to be a child tt awe thisnmakes me sD


Photo caption - Eileen Seafood Message Retired


Text - Love is going Pokémon hunting with your husband so we can keep up with our grandsons! Any special reason for the poop emoji background? Is that what it is? I thought it looked like chocolate pokemon!


Text - July 4 Missing you, Jeanene since June 30, 2012. I will always remember that you did not like red geraniums. Lol. RIP 6 3 Comments Like Share


Dog - Aug 17 at 9:32 AM Delete You, and 8 others 1 Comment


Text - Testerday at 1:13 PM Sassy Pants July 14- Hi, I finished my free trial of adulthood and I'm no longer interested so I would like to cancel my subscription. Is there a manager I can speak to? 18h Like Reply I could try to be a temporary fill in!! How desperate are you? Oh, ,have you heard from Deborah C lately? Our cousin Steve has lost Ann--more quick moving pancreatic cancer! Reply 9h Like Wow I had not heard that. So sad.


Head - 1/6 I have nothing to say in what is new. All know is I have a very unpleasant Granddaughter Follow Add Friend Message More

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