Casual tweeter @paleoteny posted a video of 23-year-old Alex Jones on Wednesday, not expecting the short clip to blow up within minutes. If you're not already familiar with the infamous globalist-hater, all you really need to know is that he believes the Pentagon puts chemicals in the water that "turn the friggin' frogs gay." Young Alex Jones seems a bit more chill than his present-day self (which isn't saying much), but he still emits a familiar chaotic energy in the video.
Jones spends the entirety of the two-minute long clip casually hacking away at a pumpkin with a kitchen knife while confirming a caller's suspicions about FLIR Systems' thermal imaging technology and how "black helicopters are being used for surveillance of the public by police departments around the country." There are several strange things about this clip—the limp skeleton conspicuously turned away from the camera; the sudden jump-cuts to a closeup of Alice Cooper's severed head; the fact that Jones never wishes us a Happy Halloween—and yet people on Twitter didn't really seem to give a shit about any of that. Most of them either simped for the young and surprisingly handsome public access host, or entertained the conspiracy that Alex Jones is actually Bill Hicks. Take a look at the clip and decide for yourself! We've also included some of the best replies to the amusing throwback.
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alex jones, age 23, carves a pumpkin on public access tv
— ollie (@paleoteny) October 14, 2020
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Same energy:
— smelly rabbit dude (@nighth0ps) October 15, 2020
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this video makes him seem really cool to me right now and i am super uncomfortable with that
— vocaloid fanboy (@wojackcollector) October 14, 2020
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Why’s he kinda cute tho 😳😳😳
— Solace🍂 (@NeoSoIace) October 14, 2020
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i think I'm broken
— gay 𝔂𝓮𝓿𝓰𝓮𝓷𝔂 🌶 (@TchaildOfGod) October 15, 2020
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The fact that he was kind of hot back then isn't ok
— 🐰🍉💚 (@HoneydewHeart) October 15, 2020
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— 🏴 Mothman Bob Dylan (@RyanMothman) October 14, 2020
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— Comet Xi Jinping Pong (@dontsendmenudes) October 15, 2020
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He was so hot
— butthole (@emma_butthole) October 15, 2020
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That's not Alex Jones, that's Bill Hicks.
— HoL-ism (@HouseOfLightnin) October 15, 2020
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this is a bill hicks gag it has to be.
— the ghost of dr lexa prole (@DrAmp27) October 15, 2020
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This just reinforces my Bill Hicks theory.
— Ironbowl Truther 🅰 🏈🚩 (@BamaCahill) October 15, 2020
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Thats not Alex Jones, that’s Bill Hicks
— Linkara's Fedora (@SmartfoodPop) October 15, 2020
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Is Alex Jones Bill Hicks?
— dick cheney in a shipping container (@IanJ_Lewis) October 15, 2020
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God he does look a lot like Bill Hicks.
— fight night, fudge club (@Christo15865801) October 15, 2020
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I want to Fucc him
— antifa monkey💀 (@leftist_monkey) October 15, 2020
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