20 'Nice Guys' Who Showed Their Toxic Entitlement

There's been a lot of talk about incels and 'nice guys' over the past few years, and for good reason. There really are dudes out there who fervently believe they're entitled to the affection of women just because they treat them with a modicum of kindness. Sadly, they don't realize that being benevolent in order to get what they want isn't actually "nice." It's manipulative. And when the manipulation doesn't work? They go off the rails and reveal their toxic and entitled truth. These specimens from r/niceguys truly encapsulate this mysoginistic and cringey mindset. We hope they get the help they so clearly need. Or at least a really good talking to.


Photo caption - VOLTE 019 % O 14:25 girts nice guysT fadult (gunshots) @F Why can't I find lov fadult Calvin, 21* O à 159 km Motos) (Tatouages Gastronomie Relations sérieuses


Text - 9:04 1 l LTE ( October 1 Edit 4:59 PM Gage 18 8 Straight dude 11 miles away I'm fucking done, everyone always unmatches with me or never replies. I'm tired of being the first to message, when are you females gonna message first? Never SHARE GAGE'S PROFILE SEE WHATA FRIEND THINKS REPORT GAGE


Text - r/MGTOW Posted by u + JOIN I can't believe it: MGTOW has woken me up - A whore I almost fell for this whore and was basically falling for her right before I woke up and saw what these woman was. Let me tell you the story! I was a college student working part time in the booking/check in area of an airport in my city. I ended up meeting this girl and at first she seemed the best thing I ever saw. She just had a great personality and was fun to be around. It's my belief that we should never


Face - i O NEXTSHARK New Jersey Man Stabbed in the Head Protecting Friend From Violent Ex-Boyfriend 3.4k 270 comments 162 shares O Like Comment A Share She probably still friendzoned him. Focus on yourself, king.


Text - from "Long Picture" RJ Ryan > Hey, so I wanna say thanks for coming and hanging out with me again O I really do think you're a nice guy, but I don't think I'm the type of girl you're looking for. I'm not an overly affectionate or touchy person, and you seem like you really need that. I did enjoy spending time with you, I just don't think this will work as a relationship... Can you not? Answer your phone. It's not that your not affectionate enough it's that your not interested. I'm out wit


Text - averagefairy one time i went on a date with this guy who kept tucking my hair behind my ear and i kept untucking it but like 5 minutes later he would reach out and do it again and eventually i just ducked away when he tried and then the next day he tweeted about girls not appreciating a gentleman and i'm pretty sure it was about me


Text - Group 16 minutes ago · D Tattoos and clubs are not bad though 4m Like Reply you know what i hate? men with tattoos who have really sexy girlfriends and go to clubs and stuff. just because i'm a nice guy doesn't mean i can't be fun too, we can do things like watch anime and play games together. but girls always go for the bad boy and i HATE THEM i wish women would learn that being BAD is BAD and being a NICE GUY is GOOD don't come crying to me when ur bf abuses you lol Just now Like Reply


Text - ... Still can't believe I spent $150 on dinner and didn't...yea. Even bought flowers. I'm done being the nice guy. U 23:53 · 2020-11-02 · Twitter for iPhone 39 Retweets 1,573 Quote Tweets 75 Likes 27


Vehicle - 18h 000 My friend decided to leave her abusive husband. It's been over 2 months of intimidation and stalking. She even has a restraining order against him. Today at 13:15 he stalked her and smashed into her car while I was with her and he drove off, basically a hit and run. #EndGVB 59 27 922 615 • 14h 000 Don't come here and scream to us on Twitter, most ladies you marry because of material neglecting your your soul mate because he would have nothing. Some of the things she was suppose


Text - Man fuck this whole generation take me back to where i belong 50s 60s 70s hell even 80s just not this fucked up as world we live in now technology and social media has ruined the world i swear girls every where have only fans or premiums like wtfff Our grandparents/great grandparents are rolling over in their graves rn hell we cant even has real relationships anymore because of social media you leave your bf/gf on read all hell has broke loose like do people not have lives anymore Back in


Text - Catfishing girls on Tinder? Lately, I've been creating fake profiles on Tinder using male model selfies. It's hilarious to sit back and watch all the likes and messages come flooding in, from all kinds of women. All of them chasing Chad Thundercock. It just goes to show how shallow the average woman truly is, and how much of a glorified meat market dating apps like Tinder are. I usually have a little fun and arrange dates, only to stand the girl up at the last minute. Sure, it's a small v


Text - Hi Monday, 14:08 I love your tweets Loved the touch you have given to your DP Can we get to know each other better Monday, 14:10 No Monday, 14:37 / You are one arrogant girl I asked nicely n that's your reply Monday, 15:09 Woops it autocorrected to no I meant yeah Monday, 15:43 / Oh I am sorry being harsh on you So can we start on a good note now Monday, 16:41 Fuck you Monday, 16:44 /


Text - Hey, gorgeous! I was checking your account and you're stunningly hot I wonder if you're interested to have a daddy in your life You'd be a good investment I wouldn't mind spending my money on you 7:57 PM Hey, not interested, thanks Hard to get I like that Are you Brazilian? Must be Hot like that and hard to get is nvoruthin 'm lookin for Message...


Text - Would love to see you in underwear maybe one day Lets do tonight naah I don't know you On Instagram Im a nice guy nah dude I don't send nudes to strangers online What Do you love during sex? Type a message GIF ... V.


Text - Women create misogynistic men. Men are taught to treat women with respect and how to be kind to them, and when men do exactly that just to be 2nd choice to a thug or toxic man, that is when men decide that being "a good man" to win over a woman is a waste of their energy and time 2:45 - 15 Nov 20 - Twitter for Android


Text - I bet you can't Meet for a date in person like a big girl. I value love and chivalry. If you re brave enough to turn down a free meal, you re clearly not the one


Text - ... boys who don't cheat wyd rn? 8,496 27 21.1K 83.1K ... Replying t not getting a girl since girls like the guys that cheat for some reason 5:24 PM · 11/13/20 · Twitter for iPhone 4 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 149 Likes


Text - Girls have a better sense of taste than boys. O 67 27 106 846 ... No they don't. I'm a nice lad and always friend zoned, yet the girl | would love to make my girlfriend always goes for the chump who will break her heart, make her cry and feel worthless. Story of my bloody life. 9:03 · 2020/11/08 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Excuse me what the fuck l'll have you know I am the most respectable gentleman that would treat you so right Like a queen Because I truly am a nice guy You fucking retard


Text - 9:19 3 4G ll 80% Active 1 hour ago Oct 23, 2020 They liked you To paraphrase God- 'a woman can only be happy under the authority of a father or husband' If that makes you mad, please don't blame me, you gotta blame God for that one. He said it. Let's be honest though, are women really happy choosing sexual degeneracy over marriage and families? Not in my observation. Ask yourself the question, are their any qualities unique to men? Anything that makes men special? A genetic predisposition

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