24 Women Share Dumb Things Men Have Said To Them About Sex And Women's Health

As reproductive rights are being stripped from women in Alabama and Missouri, many women are coming out to discuss their experiences with abortion and reproductive health. After reading this Twitter thread from @brownandbella, we are starting to think that we need to talk not only about the right to choose, but about the state of sexual education in the United States. These astounding shows of ignorance are definitely proof that something needs to change. We might be chuckling at some of these tweets, but reality of it all is pretty frickin' dark.


womens health - Text - Bey Phi Bey, Philly Chapter P... @brownandbel la Women, what is the dumbest thing a man ever said to you about sex, reproductive health, menstruation, etc? Reply with a comment below, no quote RTs. Let's laugh at these dummies together! 1:03 PM 5/16/19 Twitter for Android


womens health - Text - Victoria Marini @LitAgen... -6h Replying to @brownandbella I dated a 21 year old who did not realize that menstruation involved bleeding. He asked me how girls know when their period ends, and when I said "the bleeding stops." He screamed "YOU BLEED???" and recoiled in horror. 9 LI23 287


womens health - Text - The Big Woman @ThaBru... .7h Replying to @brownandbella My dad banned me from wearing tampons because they would "take my virginity" and also I would be used to "walking around with a penis between my legs." Logic that he still fully believes 14 t58 582 Jana "Sexy Bad Choices... 7h Kind of calls into question his size 21 210 The Big Woman @ThaBru... 7h Listen, I wasn't tryna play my dad like that but that was definitely my biggest argument. 2 2 LI.3 293


womens health - Text - Regina Griffin @Regina.. :8h Replying to @brownandbella and @ReignOfApril A guy in his 20s thought that every women had her period at the EXACT SAME TIME. Because of the moon. 12 LI62 623 4 more replies #YouKnowMe@Jillhop... .8h Replying to @brownandbella Someone I was dating asked if I could reschedule my period so it didn't coincide with his birthday. We did not make it to his birthday. 28 1,523 L154


womens health - Text - Stacey Wacknov @gritsnyc 7h When I tell dudes that in Week One and Two, you haven't even had sex yet: GIF 4 L26 532


womens health - Text - Petra Boynton @DrPetra 7h Replying to @brownandbella When I was about 15 a boy told me when women orgasm their vaginas shut tight for up to an hour afterwards during which time the penis couldn't be freed. And this was why it was safer for women not to orgasm 18 2.49 417 ChromeController @Pnk... .6h I think that's some bird species 2 2 73 tI4 Lexy Needham @Galadri... 6h And a species of slug


womens health - Text - Replying to @brownandbella and @ReignOfApril My husband thought they disconnected the umbilical cord from the baby and put it back inside. Like the hose you use to inflate tires. 23 t184 1,721 danielle @dnllyndt 7h It's like a retractable vacuum cord, just give it a little yank and it spools back up! 14 25 1,001


womens health - Text - Tracie Hunte @TracieHun... 7h Replying to @brownandbella I went to a thyroid specialist and when I mentioned that I don't get a period because I take birth control continuusly, he wondered if that was safe because "wouldn't it all get backed up there." 29 1,147 191


womens health - Text - Varah T @VarahTs 7h Replying to @brownandbella and @ReignOfApril A coworker genuinely thought women did all of our business, including birth, out of 1 hole. He was in his late 20s I went on lunch 14 t30 511


womens health - Text - Destroys In Dragonfire 8h Replying to @brownandbella A guy argued me down that proper vagina care was to wipe it down with soapy water, washcloth after urinating every time because that's what 'clean' women do. I laughed in pH balance. 19 t147 1,588 DianaJZ @djzins 8h "Wipe it down" with soapy water? What is it, a countertop? 21 181 2,179 Bey Phi Bey, Philly Chap... 8h MA'AM 21 397 4 Robert Pohl @RSP DC 6h ...this isn't a Wendy's.


womens health - Text - Replying to @brownandbella and @ReignOfApril Older male relative said my baby was sick cause I was breastfeeding him, and I'm not pasteurized 12 t 100 988 Rachel Perrone @Rachel... 7h "I'm artisanal. Single origin. Dolphin safe." 711 t5 SBTanner @sbtan 7h "Organic. HFCS & BPA free." 21 284 tI4 Emma Elizabeth @Ability... .6h "No GMOS or ad ded sugar." 21 t14 196 Svea Vikander @Svea... 5h FREE RANGE


womens health - Text - Jen @JayMFKay 8h Replying to @brownandbella You HAVE to remember the dude on here who said women lay eggs. 21 1,005 t 110 AmbrosiaTM Not Today 6h What??????? 39 van essa @f... 7h Replying to @brownand bella friend thought tampon sizes were for circumference of vagina 9 t27 434 Michelle Villegas Thread... 6h I am giggling at my desk. It's like magnums but for women! 1 54


womens health - Text - Lydia @lyd_b 8h Replying to @brownandbella A man in his 30s recently asked me why when we have a period it has to be blood that comes out. Literally had no understanding of what a period was. At over 30 years old. Amazing 9 522 t165 Dracarys @trice10552 7h I...does he think we can choose any liquid we want and we all decided on blood??? 20 t14 527 Crommunist @Crommunist 6h Why can't it be that clear blue stuff like in the commercials?! 04 227 2.3


womens health - Text - Allyson M. Holley 8h Replying to @brownand bel la He asked me why we don't just "push it all out at once" instead of "waiting for it fall out" over 7 days. 24 123 838 Jem & The Auntiegrams 8h GIF gif-finder.co 125


womens health - Text - Sahar @JalaliSahar 7h Replying to @brownandbella My 40 sumn year old teacher told me to hold my period in until class got out... 13 1,259 t119 Space Force HQ @_WeDr... Dafuq! 7h GAY DO CRIME 47


womens health - Text - chuntiana @abbie_alta 8h Replying to @brownandbella One time a guy swore to me that a woman's g spot moves and it was men's job to continually try and and find this floating g spot that is always in a different place 26 L111 870


womens health - Text - jones @pjoneswriter 6h Replying to @brownandbella A man asked me once if women enjoy going to the gyno because "doesn't it feel good for someone to touch you there?" 9 t7 159 Erin Reitz @ReitzKrispy 6h That man is cancelled 91 219 t.1 Beth Kinnane @BethKinn1.6h Completely, totally and utterly. 1 39 AuthorCatherineCampbell5h Sometimes you just have to throw away the whole man 21 108


womens health - Text - enseAmI perpetually upset o.. bh WAYS Replying to @brownandbel la MANI LAUP Not sure if this counts, but my ex told me that breastfeeding something white women came up with to make an excuse for child molestation and to keep black people from getting the jobs we were promised at the Similac factory. We lived nowhere near a Similac factory. 29 L76 497 Am I perpetually upset o... .4h WAYOMany of you replied "What" to YYALS this tweet


womens health - Text - Genève @bergerbell 7h Replying to @brownandbella In sophomore year health class, after the teacher reads aloud the sidebar on ovulation: Him: "I don't get it. How could she not know?" Her: "Know what? Exactly when ovulation occurs?" Him: "Yeah. Won't she feel a draft?" Us: ... Him: "You know, when the egg falls out?" 97 t263 478


womens health - Text - Auntie Lexx @lexxlugga Replying to @brownandbella and @TheBreeHive My ex told me, a women's health nurse, that the reason my periods were so long and painful was because I don't drink enough water.


womens health - Text - Mara "Get Rid of the Nazis" Wilson @MaraWilson Replying to @brownandbella and @kyliesparks That I shouldn't dispose of any pads or tampons in his bathroom trash because it would "freak out" his male roommates


womens health - Text - SalteeCaramel LIBRA @Slick_Fox Replying to @brownandbella Dated this guy who called it a "click" at first I thought I heard him wrong and then I corrected him and he was like no that's not what it's called. I said then what's a clitoris and he told it was something different. I told him if he didn't know what it was he couldn't touch it


womens health - Text - Joyslin @JoyslinC Replying to @brownandbella Ibled a *little* on a guy while having sex in college and apologized whenl noticed. He screamed at me that this "can only happen when you have an std," kicked me out of his dorm, and fb messaged me accusing me of giving him AIDS for like a month


womens health - Text - Megan Sass @Megan_Sass Replying to @brownandbella Itold a guy it's good manners to ask if the woman came. He said, "Did you?" I told him I hadn't. His response? "I know some women can't the first time for emotional reasons."

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