50 Scroll-Worthy Memes For Bored Brains

Whether you're depressed and need to let the light of laughter into your life, or are just looking for a way to stop the endless monotony for a little while, we've got you covered with these memes. Some are spicy. Some are stupid. Some are a little too relatable. But we can promise that there's something in here for everyone.


Text - Me leaving for college Little brother I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow. RAPE SODA PLAYER


Photo caption - When the weird moustache man orders you to invade Poland, thus starting another World War Ach Scheiße, jetzt geht es wieder los.


Water - Clock: *hits midnight* Nature channels Science channels is god just an edgy teenager? History channels


Font - When I do something really awkward in public: me two minutes later me 3 days later me me Trying to sleep 4 years later


Product - no name is the gem of Canada. every product is so unbelievably ominous i really laugh my ass off every time i go shopping cola apple beverage сосоа mayonnaise no name 355 m no name 1L


Text - When you think you're gonna blaze past French defenses in less than 2 months d. [laughs in trench warfaref Battle of the Marne intensifies*


Text - How game developers think shotguns work LETHAL ZONE YOU LITERALLY SHOOT CONFETTI


Adaptation - When the kid who keeps running around in the restaurant finally trips and hits his head on the edge of a table Finally, inner peace.


Cartoon - Kid who Deserves Punishment Teacher Is this the whole class?


Cartoon - What women think men want What men think women want What men and women really want: the sweet, sweet release of death


Mascot - Spiraling Out Of Control: This Man Spends 90 Minutes A Day Online V23/15 11:09am - Fled to: WOW everyone reading this everyone reading this


Car - my 4 brain cells before class getting ready to take a test I didn't study for shanbanhi QK3539 IN ZC827


Footwear - Before you judge a flat earther... Walk a mile in their shoes.


Cartoon - My computer: *autosaves a file* Me: Nice, but where is it? My computer:


Cartoon - When you're done looking at someone's profile Cecienfis+ nanty Stolen Memes


Photo caption - When the character that has been helping you throughout the whole game turns out to be the final boss


Glass - Choose your class: Fighter Paladin Specialist HIV Mage Warrior Assassin


Cartoon - When the rest of your team rushes off for kills instead of playing the objective


Grass - Me fighting 3 diffrent teams My teammate Looting


Text - My dad: Can you stop screaming? It's just a video game. Also my dad during football games:


Motor vehicle - Me: close the door gently My friend: @samonwithoutthel


Jet engine - Me: *opens 3 chrome tabs* My $2000 laptop:


Cartoon - Me (in the bathroom at 4am): *farts echoing off the toilet) Everyone else in the house trying to sleep:


Head - when it's your day to kill but everyone is more afraid of a virus *sad jason noises*


Human - Your mother was a hamster CHANGE MY MIND


Photo caption - Roses are red, My name is not Brian, HORROR SHOCKER TRAGIC TOSSER: Beb had Ns hand roped off THAT'S THE LAST TIME I W*NK OFF A LION AFTER 20 years spent SUNDAY SPORT EXCLUSIVE working around big cats, former national park ranger Bob Mclntosh thought there was little freezing it to then inseminate todger until it started ta show left to learn. Bob, 61, helps secure the Dy JUSTW DUNN wanted te extract SIUNK a lion in the hepe of female at a later date. mid-west cold when he arrived


Face - "Barbarian invaders caused the fall of Rome" Amultitude of intersecting social, economic, religious, and environmental factors:


Walking - Germany Starting's ww1 Serbia 4GIFS.com Treaty of Versailles Germany 4GIESCOM


Photo caption - English students studying the entirety of their country's history Are we the baddies?


Product - Third world Country TEAM MECUPTO The Soviets been looking at me kind of a lot all week. Third world country I would be creeped out by it, but it's nothing compared to the way the CIA looks at me. NTELIGENCE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA CENTRAL


Text - when you had a week to work but the project is due in 5 minutes FUCK


Cartoon - When I turned in my assignment and I know it was trash but l'm just happy I turned it in


Face - Teacher: Being a streamer or youtuber isnt a real job Teachers now:


Text - when u find out shes into weird shit iMessage Today 7:47 PM sorry that wasnt for you Delivered come over now


Vehicle - Imagine being a Somali pirate and you're getting fucking Yeeted by a Minion.


Helmet - When the macaroni noises get faster and louder Fin di. eMa Luke, at that speed, will you be able to pull out in time?


Swimming - When you're 10 and you pretend to drown at the pool to see if your family really cared about you


Vehicle - At this moment I knew I was in a hood I needed to get the fuck out of VRIGINAL R 25 FREE


Text - No one: Pornhub ads: You wont last 3 mes playing this


Facial hair - When she stops reacting to your memes..


Motor vehicle - "Giil you won't believe what just happened" FONY FONT BREGEL OLICE MAN


Grass - When she reach the headboard and there's nowhere else left to go.


Human - If you and ur bro ain't doing shit like this, are y'all even really bros? 99


White Pelican - Me trying to hold in a cough so I dont cause alarm


French bulldog - My French Bulldog and her French fries McNugget


Land vehicle - 2020 2021


Text - I feel like this could have been worded slightly better Dear mr postman I have disinfected my flaps for you!


Nature - "How's life been treating you?" Me : fantasize about my death a lot,


Forehead - Interviewer: I have three openings Unemployed guy: I know


Text - Giant Meteor 2020- JUST END IT ALREADY

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/3enZHeb

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