Memes & Tweets About Nevada's Apparent Inability To Count Votes

The entire world waiting on f***ing Nevada to reveal the fate of America literally might be the most 2020 thing of all time. The growing impatience is palpable all over social media and people are enduring the agonizing delay with the help of memes. At least we're all experts at entertaining ourselves through major historic events! We've put together some of the funniest posts about the sluggish Nevada election results.

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Photo caption - ANDEMIC CO PIDLY SPREADING O Covidiot Memes @CovidiotMemes VEALTHCARE WORKERS Ithuokies) Earth: We would love to know who won the election, please. Nevada:

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Text - Isaac @Worldoflsaac If states used corporate terms: Nevada: We'l|| circle back with you Arizona: not sure we have the bandwidth today Pennsylvania: we'll do a deep dive and get to you by EOW Georgia: some things have bubbled up Alaska: we can see Russia from our voting center 11:57 · 11/5/20 · Twitter for Android


Hair - The world waiting to see who the next US President is ENevada FREEL COMFE

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Text - Dr. Amish @camillepawglia Is the ballot counter dyslexic or something

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Text - Ash @ashcammm guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting 2017-10-22, 1:56 AM Nevada


People - The entire world |Nevada @TheSaltyLiberals MB

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Product - Hidden Chamber CIA Analyst with 8... @CiaKids "Our quantum computers are working very hard to produce the bloodiest outcome possible. Please stand by."

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Text - Jemele Hill O @jemelehill Nevada: I'm leaving the house right now! Also Nevada:

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Text - Us: Nevada please count faster Nevada: - "Nev-add-a." COVZL


Photo caption - ziwe @ziwe can you hurry and count the votes? Nevada: No, I don't think I will.

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Text - Robert Lowell Langford 11m · 8 This just in: Nevada is not going to announce the winner until the entire nation pronounces our name correctly. If someone says Ne-Vah-duh, we start the counting over again. That is all.

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Sloth - This the mf counting ballots in Nevada


Text - America: They said they can't seat us until the whole party is here. Are you on your way? Nevada: TIPSYDRUNK

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Facial expression - The rest of America FUCKING COUNT FASTER!! Nevada You know what, I'm going to start counting even slower ABEFNDER NITIIIN


Animated cartoon - us, foaming at the mouth, asking for nevada to give us their results nevada: well now I am not doing it

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Text - Nothing says 2020 like the fate of the nation resting in the hands of Reno, NV.


Text - tanas @wintanagebrai y'all rushing tf out of Nevada. girl we 50th in education give us a second we can't count 3:53 PM · 11/4/20 · Twitter for iPhone

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