23 People Recount Bizarre Things They Found In Strangers' Homes

There are a lot of jobs out there that require people to enter the homes of strangers on a regular basis. Have you ever wondered about the crazy shit electricians, carpet cleaners, social workers, realtors, and movers have seen? Well one curious redditor asked people with these sorts of occupations to recount some of the most bizarre scenes they've happened upon while on the job. While most of these stories are pretty hilarious, a few of them are straight up disturbing. Some of these people could seriously write a book about their experiences! We've gathered some highlights from the Reddit thread to feed your curiosity. 


Text - r/AskReddit u/owlnightcoffee · 9h 24 19 13 S 16 1 Redditors whose job requires them to go into other people's homes for a living, what's the most bizarre thing you've seen or found? 23.1k 3.9k 1 Share


Text - nolatime · 6h Realtor here. I was showing a house that was supposed to be empty. I knocked and rang the bell to make sure. Once inside I walked into a bedroom and found the current tenant butt ass naked absolutely slamming on an electronic drum kit in what was a mostly sound proof room. He never noticed I was there, but ill never forget him. Reply 2.0k ...


Text - jibbletmonger · 7h S3 Awards Installed sod at this lady's newly built home. She was in her mid 60s maybe. Anyway, she didn't know where the valve to the exterior tap was in the basement and asked if I could go down and turn it on for her. No problem. I go down the stairs to the unfinished basement and it's pitch dark. I find a light switch and then suddenly there is a 400 pound man naked and asleep on a matress three feet away from me. She never mentioned this before I went downstairs...


Text - Necessary_Offer • 12h O 17 Awards In the 90s, I had a summer job at a small electronic repair shop. I had to deliver and reconnect an elderly woman's 32" television (this was the tube kind, it was huge and heavy). Get to her trailer and she answers the door, woman in her 70s wearing a thin cotton shirt as a dress that barely reached her mid-thigh, was essentially transparent, no underwear, everything on full display. Kept my eyes averted as I hauled the TV in and reconnected it to the cab


Text - punkass_book_jockey8 · 9h S3 Awards Former babysitter, one house a toilet in the hallway. Not a bathroom just a toilet literally in the middle of a carpeted hallway (middle of the Hallway but against a wall) that totally worked. It was parallel to the wall not perpendicular- there was zero cover around it and it faced the stairway. So if you used it, and somebody came up the stairs, you were going to be making eye contact. I never understood it. It looked like someone just set a toilet do


Text - thefuzzybunny1 · 8h S 1 Award My grandmother's business was estate auctions. We found a literal skeleton in an attic once. It turned out that the house had been in the family since the 1800s, and great-great-great- whomever had been a doctor at that time. Plastic skeletal models didn't exist, so he had an actual skeleton in his home office. And then nobody had figured out what to do with it, for generations, until we got stuck with it! 3.9k


Text - call-me-mama-t • 8h I would frequently go into homes on all conditions with buyers & sellers. There was a really cool historic house on in a good neighborhood. The guy was a hoarder and he had torn off all the plaster & filled the walls with books. I've seen people living in the most deplorable conditions...and dealt with so many odd people. Edit; The books were in every room of the house. Floor to ceiling. Reply 4.8k ...


Text - thtonesarah • 12h I used to do home health and just go in and help people with everyday things they couldn't do because of their condition. Had this really sweet older lady with a bad case of psoriasis. Her floors had a layer of dead skin covering nearly every square inch of the apartment. It was even in her dogs water bowl. Did my best to keep it clean, and visited twice a week. Each time it was just as bad. I can still smell it if I think about it. Reply 1.8k ... InaMellophoneMood · 11h


Text - Edgehammer5 • 12h 6 Awards Not really bizarre but was tasked with removing a rattlesnake from an elderly ladies home. What was found was her sex toy lodged between furniture and the wall while on/vibrating. Poor thing thought it was a snakes rattle lol. Turned it off (with gloves) and told her the snake had been removed! Makes me laugh, she was a sweet lady. Reply 8.0k


Text - dick-nipples • 12h O 3 3 Awards I used to be a furniture mover. This one lady we moved had a bulletin board filled with Polaroids of her holding guys' dicks. Dozens of them, all different shapes and colors, just resting in her hand. Reply 1 3.0k ...


Text - drunky_crowette · 7h O 8 5 Awards Petsitter here! If you don't find a secure place to put your sex toys your dogs may bring them to guest in your home! Reply 8.2k ...


Text - icedcoffeedevotee • 8h 3 3 Awards A jar full of bedbugs. They wanted to show us that they indeed had bedbugs. You could see the damn things in the daylight all over the furniture. We knew.. Reply 8.3k wewillwewont · 8h O 1 Award In college I moved into an apartment with bedbugs on campus. They were crawling on the walls and the school refused to do anything claiming their exterminators didnt find anything. I had to hand them a bag filled with bed bugs to make them treat the room.


Text - minervasbiscuittin · 9h 2 O 10 Awards Back in my teenage babysitting days, I regularly watched three kids whose parents kept one of those ENORMOUS packages of hot dogs out on the kitchen counter. Everyone in that household would just wander by and grab a room- temperature hot dog as a snack whenever they felt like. I babysat for them 2-3 times per week for over a year and never not saw those hot dogs. I wonder about them all the time. Reply 12.3k


Text - Deodorized • 9h E2 O 4 31 Awards Oh boy time for me to dust off one of my classics. I used to be pool guy, I used to go into people's backyards to clean their pools. One week, it was a 4 day week due to a holiday, so l'm not going on the scheduled days, I'm cramming 5 days of work into a 4 day week. It's a hot summer day, and I walk into the backyard of this house, get through both gates, and I'm met with an odd sight. These 2 kids, maybe 14 or 15, are absolutely butt ass naked, cuddled o


Text - ThatKiwiBro • 8h 8 4 Awards I'm a painter, and in the process of covering the clothes in a wardrobe with plastic and masking up, I uncovered a box (that was only covered by the clothes hanging over it) that had possibly the biggest strap on kit l've ever seen, easily a 10+inch strap on. I should mention I mainly do repaints of retirement homes. Them old folks wild. Reply 5.1k


Text - KringlebertFistybuns · 9h A S 2 Awards So much porn, so many dicks, several urns of cremated remains. When you do estate auctions, you often find out that dad had a vast porn collection or that grandma collected every phallus decoration she could lay her hands on. The urns always make me sad. Like who in the hell leaves uncle Bob up on the mantle and thinks "Meh, the auctioneers can sell him." Spoiler: No we can't. Reply 1 8.4k ...


Text - mireilledgb · 12h 4 Awards i'm a midwife, and in a postpartum visit at home, the couple had 2 big pigs as pets. They were living with them in the house and even had their own room. Super chill pigs Reply 4.5k


Text - ImKnownToFuckMyself · 13h 8 1 Award Used to live in south Florida and worked an apartment complex. One day we cleaned out this apartment after tenants moved out, wasn't too bad as it was mostly clean, but the shocking part was finding a severed goat's head in the fridge (on a platter not just stuffed in there), it was skinned and everything. Startled the fuck out of me and wasn't sure what to do.


Text - sadist-trombone · 12h Bedbugs. Now some people are gonna come here and comment that bedbugs are very elusive and leave only subtle signs. They're right except when the infestation is so thorough that the little fuckers are crawling en masse during daylight, and the walls, carpets and furniture are blackened by their feces. Noped right the fuck out of there. Reply 1.8k


Text - Lamesatron • 12h Two stuffed dead giraffes. Like, taxidermy. Reply 1.3k


Text - TheWookieeWhisperer • 12h 3 20 Awards 2 seriously disturbing things I found as a termite contractor.. 1. Bones from a dead body.... was under a crawl space and found a bone that looked like a human femur. Turns out it was... called cops, gave a report, got the eff out of there. 2.I noticed a plaque the size of a large clock above someones mantle. It had names where numbers would be and a small trinket below the name. I wished I would have never asked about it, because it turns out it was


Text - _night_cheese · 6h A S 3 Awards I saw a woman with a jacuzzi in the center of her carpeted bedroom that she and her four (foster) children bathed in. (No shower head or curtain) They also all shared a toilet in her bedroom that had no walls/ door around it. Absolutely no privacy. All of the kids slept in the living room while she slept in the master bedroom. During my home inspection I found three doors that had been completely plastered over and couldn't be accessed- she informed me that


Text - plagueisthedumb · 12h 1 Award I thought the rug at an abandoned crack house we had to fix was pretty cool and thought it could be saved.. I lifted it up and underneath was literally thousands of used needles mostly uncapped too. Same house had a perfect condition pingpong table in it but everything else was stripped or destroyed including tiles from walls... but not ol' ping pong table. Also won $20 by opening a fridge (same house) that was sealed shut and said "Don't open". It stunk so b


Text - djwurm • 12h 8 6 Awards had a job doing estimates for insulation and other attic work.. one time I showed up at a house who needed insulation quote and as soon as they opened the door I started gagging from a smell that was burning my eyes and nose..first thought was like that smells like ammonia. I fought thru it and asked the owner where the attic access was and he opened up the garage and I shit you not there was cat and dog feces everywhere with water stains all over the concrete that

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