Creepy Twitter Story About Kid Sneaking Food & Discovering A Trespasser

There's been a lot of talk about Bong Joon-Ho's Oscar-winning Parasite, but this true and incredibly disturbing story kind of trumps it. Horror writer Grady Hendrix shared a chilling tale back in October about innocent food-sneaking gone incredibly wrong. Kids are known for sneaking around, and one night when Hendrix intended to sneak-eat his family's leftovers, he discovered a strange man in his kitchen consuming the contents of the family fridge. It doesn't stop there. His family didn't believe him, but later, some disturbing proof of his "run-in" comes to light. And we are not envious of the experience. 


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d Replying to @grady_hendrix When I turned 9I realized I could sneak downstairs after everyone was asleep and eat anything I wanted in the fridge. No one ever noticed! O 23 27 267 6,088 1 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d I could make a peanut butter, Cheez Whiz, & mayo sandwich, eat leftover pizza, scrape off the icing from birthday cakes - as long as I was careful I could do anything! 27 27147 5,010 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d Creeping down was the


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d One night in May, '81 we ordered from Fish & Shrimp House. I waited until everyone was asleep & crept downstairs to eat the leftover sweet n'sour pork. 10 27 134 4,648 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d It took forever. I finally stepped into the totally dark den & let down my guard. All of a sudden I heard a fork click on the counter. I froze. The microwave clock light showed the outline of a man sitting at our kitchen counter. 07 27157 4,823 Grady Hendri


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d I can't explain how terrifying it is for someone to BE IN YOUR HOUSE. I slooo0owly backed away, crept upstairs, and woke up my mom & dad. 4 L7 146 4,851 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix 1d They made way too much noise & took way too long & by the time they got downstairs the kitchen was empty. 4 27 134 4,404 1 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d Everyone said I read too many horror comics so they blew off what I said. But no way was I pouring milk on my cereal.


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix 1d I started tracking the position of everything in the kitchen. One day the paper napkin holder was on the wrong side of the counter. Another day a mug was in the sink that was NOT there the night before. 27 138 5,026 1 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d My bedroom door didn't lock so I kept a steak knife under my pillow. I must've stabbed myself in the hand 1000 times checking to make sure it was there. 97 27143 O 5,459 1 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d The


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d I freaked & raised hell until my parents searched our attic and the crawl space under our house. Nothing. I wasn't very popular for a few weeks. 6. 27 145 5,201 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d The last week of August our house started to smell. One night, rice fell out of the vent over my bed. Maggots. The A/ C people said something had probably crawled into our vents & died. 8. 27 166 5,187 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d Turns out what had crawled i


Text - Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d He'd put a foam pad beside my bedroom vent so he'd be comfortable while he watched me. The police said he'd made lots of "drawings" but when I asked they pretended they hadn't said anything. 35 27 191 ' 6,137 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix 1d No one ever identified him. He was buried as a John Doe. To this day I can't look inside the vents in houses. 27 158 6,267 Grady Hendrix @grady_hendrix · 1d But sometimes when I'm at someone's house l'll smell a little

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