Ordinary People Share Creepy & Unexplained Experiences

Whether or not you believe in things like aliens or ghosts, there's no doubt that abnormal, unexplainable experiences are pretty damn unsettling. Where does the fear come from? That chill you feel when you suddenly hear or see something out of the ordinary. Is it superstitious fear of something supernatural or is it simply fear of the unknowable? It seems like we humans are easily unnerved by the things we can't explain and have no control over. But these feelings can also be pretty vicariously exhilarating. Why else would horror and mystery be such popular genres in fiction? 

We're stoked that u/LBE asked redditors to share their own spooky experiences because these strange stories from ordinary people gave us quite a thrill. If you're into unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena, you might be into this unsettling Reddit thread. 


Product - r/AskReddit u/LBE · 20h Top Awarded 1 5 159 1 123 3 180 1 1 145 O 5 [SERIOUS] What is the Creepiest or most Unexplained thing that's happened to you that you still think about to this day? Serious Replies Only 74.3k 22.6k 1 Share


Font - gnghsconbrudadon • 19h 6 Awards I had a schnauzer that could hear a cat stalk across a persian rug. The slightest noise could wake her from a slumber and set off her constant barking. She made a great tent companion while on backpacking trips. Bears, racoons and skunks would all get fair warning if they came within range of out campsite. One morning we woke up from a night without interruptions in the back country of SW Colorado and I found my tents central guyline was no longer staked do


Font - Mechanic84 • 18h 45 Awards I had a recurring nightmare of a pitch black parasite sucking the life it of me. Sometimes it waited for me in dark corners to go to bed. My cats always slept on my bed during that time. For me it was a very stressful time, a got an itch at the place of my chest where I dreamed the parasite was sucking my life out of me. I got sick an felt a pea sized lump. I went to my doc and they ordered a biopsy of that lump. As it turned out I had male breast cancer at the


Font - farbunny • 17h 16 Awards We had a rescue dog years back, terrier mix. We lived in the countryside on a wooded hillside and owned about five acres of woodland and rough fields mostly wild. This dog loved to be up there chasing rabbits but loved her home too so would never be gone for very long. One day she went missing. We took our other dogs up there and searched thoroughly but nothing. We had another friend bring his dogs, nothing. We advertised, put up posters, we did little but search


Font - a huge bramble patch. It was summer and all I could hear was birdsong and insects, but suddenly I heard a muffled yip. I called her name and then heard her again getting excited. She was deep underground in a rabbit warren. I stayed calling to her until help arrived, the local fire brigade were kind enough to come and help and advise and we got her out eventually. She ran around like a demented muddy pup and amazingly the vet said she was basically ok, had probably been getting enough moi


Font - redditaccount1_2•18h 7 Awards Right after quarantine started I got a package in the mail. It was addressed to my name and my address and contained 1 pink starburst and nothing else. To this day, I have no idea who sent it or why. The return address was a vacant office space across the country. Edit: I did not eat it, the postmark matched the address I believe but it's been so long l'm not positive, there is one friend l'm thinking could have done it but she has since passed away, it was n


Font - HailToThekingslayer · 19h S 4 Awards Not creepy as such, more just unexplained. As a kid I was round a friend's house after school. It was a sunny day so we went to the park near his house, then through the woods there. (His younger brother was with us as well). In the woods, beside the path, there were red berries on the ground. The berries had been arranged into three stick figures, which was weird as there were three of us. We got back to the house, and my friend and I decided to go ba


Font - The_Old_Guy_From_Up • 19h 2 Awards When I was in 3rd grade I moved to a new town and into a new house. We lived in a camper in the back yard of the house while we renovated it. It was a pretty old house. Anyway during renovation we found all sorts of stuff in the walls, old bottles, old pair of glasses, letters, old newspapers, old pictures of children in school clothes. It was a two story house and the stairs were kind of a focal point for all sorts of creepy stuff. So once you got to th


Font - One weekend my sister, who is older than both my brothers, came to visit and was in my oldest brothers bedroom alone, as we were all at school and my mum was at work. As she was sitting up there watching tv she heard foot steps coming up the stairs and called out as she had thought my mum was home early from work. No response other than the footsteps turning around and heading back down the stairs. When she got up the look there was no one home and all doors locked.


Font - It doesn't stop there. My oldest brother was left home alone for a week while me and my other brother and mom and dad went on a week long vacation. Naturally he had his girlfriend over for a couple nights to keep him company. One night she got up to pee around 3am and went downstairs to the bathroom where she said she heard children whispering. A couple nights later around 3-4am the gf woke my brother saying someone was in the house. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Since the li


Font - Pickly_Ricko • 19h 2 Awards I had a short lucid dream. And the scene happened a few days later. I am 200% sure about that because I keep a diary of my dreams, and it matched perfectly Reply 5.9k


Font - CharlieTuna_ • 19h O 3 3 Awards Once I was hired to load firewood into my aunts basement. She lives alone and left the basement door open for me while she went out. I usually swing the interior basement door as wide as I can when I walk in and the door almost never closes completely but once I heard it close and when I was about to grab another load I saw that the deadbolt locked. When I walk in my arms are filled with firewood so I wouldn't be able to lock it myself. Looked out the windo


Font - heatherloree76 • 17h O 99 Awards Maybe around age 14, early 90s. We were traveling from TX up to Tacoma, WA. We were about out of money, almost out of gas, no food, stuck in Chico California. I sat in the car while mom took my younger sisters to the restroom at a gas station. I was riddled with anxiety about our situation and looking down. The car door opened and I looked up. A lady that looked like a brown haired Brady mom sat in the seat and faced me. She said "It seems like you're down


Font - Nowhere in the parking lot, just vanished. I cried. When mom came back I told her what happened and she cried. We got gas. There was a guy selling oranges on the side of the road and we bought a bag and went to a local park that had a part of the river with a little spillway dam and went swimming and ate oranges for a couple of hours before getting back on the road. I never saw the lady again but she saved us and we did make it up to Tacoma to start our new life. Thank you stranger lady w


Font - owlracoon • 18h 15 Awards I woke up in the bath at a very specific time, like 5.45. Twice. Ten years in between. Water was getting cold, i was naked. No memory of getting there, some fragments of like seeing my own hand turning on the tap. No drugs or alcohol or even medication involved. The worst thing was the fear. When i woke up i felt an inexplicable , almost primordial, dread. Lasted for hours, I was shaking, couldn't function. Still freaks me out thinking about it. Might have been t


Font - rg250871 • 19h 19 Awards Was camping alone in a small 1-person tent. All snug and secure in the tent, I went to sleep. Was woken by a clap of thunder at 3am, to discover both the inner and outer tent door was wide open. That was freaky. Reply 48.6k


Rectangle - sm1020 • 18h O O 41 Awards In college I was roommates with my childhood best friend for about two years. We are very trusting with each other, we would go into each others rooms freely and grab whatever we needed. To borrow clothes, hairbrush, perfume, etc. No questions asked, just a knock if we were in the room to let each other know we were going in. Our rooms are across the hall from each other, with the hall facing the kitchen. So from the kitchen you could see down the hall wher


Font - One day, I get home from work, with my headphones in my ear talking to my mom about my day. I go in the kitchen and grab a snack. I see her walk out of her room and go into mine, leave my room and go back into hers. She looked like she just got out the shower, her hair was soaking wet and she was wrapped in a white towel. Her long black wet hair is what I distinctly remember. Also, she made no eye contact with me but I didn't think it was weird. I didn't say anything to her since borrowin


Font - "hey, what did you grab from my room earlier? Did you find what you needed?" She looks at me like if I was crazy and says, "what are you talking about?" So I say, "yeah earlier when I got home I saw you go into my room and grab something. Did you get what you needed? Sorry I didn't say hi l was on the phone with my mom." She asks me if I'm sure I saw her. I said yes 100%. She tells me to grab my phone and go to her car ASAP, that she needs to show me something. I had my phone on me and sh


Font - along with the apartment manager. They checked the whole apartment and found no one. Nothing amiss. And they were in there a while checking every nook and cranny. The manager got maintenance to change our locks and gave us new keys that day. My friend then tells me that for a week she'd been hearing noises from her bathroom like bottles moving, and when she went to check she found nothing. I have no idea who I saw going in and out of our rooms, but it looked exactly like my friend. I don'


Font - doug1963 · 18h 14 Awards One of my cats had been missing for a few weeks. I had given her up as gone. While on the phone with a friend 100 miles away (who has never seen my house), he interrupts himself from talking about work and says with a strange urgency, "Doug. Open your front door. Your cat is sitting on the porch waiting to come in." And of course upon opening the door, I find her just casually sitting there. We were both beyond blown away. Between sobs of joy I asked "how did you


Font - thin_white_dutchess • 19h 14 Awards I was putting my daughter to bed, and she was talking about her godmother, bc we were reading a book that her godmother had gotten her. Her godmother died in 2019, of breast cancer. She was my very best friend, more like a sister, and she doted on my daughter. We are reminiscing about her, and my daughters twinkle lights she has on her ceiling starts going off. They have multiple settings- and they are on the rainbow setting. Not too weird, maybe they h


Font - AmericanChesse · 19h 13 Awards I apologise for grammar of spelling mistakes There was a kid in another class at my school in 6th grade that was genius. I don't mean like, oh he's really smart cause doesn't need to do the homework and still gets a 100s. Like he's was doing advanced calculus with a local college professor after school. This kid was smarter than everyone. So one day our computer system for the entire school goes down. (I was in a poorer area at the time so this was normal).


Font - 3 or so hours later when I'm class with him during social studies. 3 guys with FBI jackets on and our local chief escorted him out of the building. We were told nothing, the parents were told nothing. It never hit the news. To this day we have no clue what he did. Except every single teacher l've asked about this says they were also told nothing. I haven't seen the kid since and I can't find a trace of him going to anyother school or ending up in trouble. He just fell of the face of the e


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