Twitter Thread About Psycho Boss Puts Bad Jobs Into Perspective

Strap yourselves in for this wild tale that will make your jobs seem like a cakewalk, and your bosses seem like angels. This is a great reminder that sometimes it's good to take people at their word when they call someone insane - especially a prospective employer! 


Text - Quinn Cummings Follow @quinncy Gather round, Gentle Readers. It is time l tell the story of the worst decision I ever made in an office. Some of you have heard this. Some have not. Whatever you do in your office today, this week, the rest of this year, you can console yourself by recalling this tale. 4:48 PM -7 Nov 2018


Text - Quinn Cummings' @quinncy 1h A long time ago, I was a talent agent. I worked for a woman named Susan Smith, who had her own small boutique agency. She was known for three things: 1. She had fantastic taste in clients. If there is someone you admire, odds are good that at some point, she was their agent. t 4 1 93 Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h 2. She could negotiate a deal like few who have ever trod the earth. Casting would give her all the money they had budgeted for that part, plus a little


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h She went through assistants with comical speed. One young man - who had endured the rigors of law school - went to "move his car" after ninety minutes on her desk and never came back. 2 176 Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h I was her assistant for six months. If I hear a phone that sounds like the one we had in the office, I still get nauseated. t 1 126 Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h But oh, did she love her clients. She had no husband, no children; her clients were everyt


Text - Quinn Cummings@quinncy 1h I was now an agent, not her assistant, but Susan didn't hold with such distinctions. We all got screamed at, we all became miserable, we all started whatever self-soothing behavior allowed us to not cry in the hallway. At the very least, Brian's win would delight her. 85 Quinn Cummings@quinncy 1h And then Brian forgot to thank her. 112 Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h The next morning, we walked around with the resigned despair of a tank of sentient lobsters. We were a


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h I smiled, because I did. Susan, like many women of a certain age, wasn't terribly fond of having her picture taken but it so happened there was a picture of her on the side-table in her office. Susan loved decorating, nothing was by chance, she must have liked that picture. 1 84 Quinn Cummings @quinncy 1h We got it, Chet slid it out, overnighted it to Brian, we crossed our fingers she wouldn't notice the picture was gone for a day. Even if she did, the ad was to


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy Helen was enough, Kathy required no addition of Susan. But did I see hints of Susan? Oh, yes. MKupperman @MKupperman Replying to @quinncy Wow. Now I'm wondering if she inspired Kathy Bates' portrayal of Leno's agent 11/7/18, 7:25 PM


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy Icould make "Moving my car" last up to 45 minutes on street-cleaning day. No one who didn't work there understands what the feeling of settling into your car and seeing no parking spaces was like. GingerKid 2000 @margotjd Replying to @quinncy Moving your car was the best "good feeling" part of the day. Then she decided to spring and spend money renting parking spaces in a parking deck up the street and all I could think was good feeling's gone. 11/7/18, 7:53 PM Twe


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy Dear God. I had forgotten about the raw meat Amy F @Amyisverybusy Replying to @quinncy My sister worked for her briefly. Told me tales of her eating RAW HAMBURGER MEAT for lunch. Not steak tartare... just a package of ground beef from the grocery store. She was miserable. 11/7/18, 8:41 PM


Text - Quinn Cummings @quinncy Fun fact about Susan. So many people quit working for her and claimed unemployment due to a hostile work environment that the State Employment Board reached out to our HR department. Fan of Walt @fanofwalt Replying to @quinncy omg Quinn. I assisted for her for two weeks back in the day. On my 1st day, I told HR I was quitting at lunch; HR rep, with tears in eyes, begged me to stay on. I still have PTSD terrors from that experience. #kindred 11/7/18, 8:43 PM

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