Woman Leaves Husband In Grocery Store For Literally Acting Like A Toddler

We all get comfortable in relationships and say some cringe things in jest, but some people take it wayyy too far. A distraught woman asked Reddit if she was the asshole for leaving her husband in the grocery store after he quite literally acted like a toddler and demanded ice cream in a baby voice. OP u/smallslicedskin further explained that this wasn't an isolated incident. Apparently, her husband had been incessantly using meme-speak like 'doggo,' 'pupper,' 'chicky nuggies,' and 'birb' for months. The bizarre affectation that had been driving OP bonkers caused her to finally snap in the grocery store and subsequently turn to Reddit for help. Scroll down for her story and some of the best responses in the thread


Text - AITA for leaving my husband in the grocery store because he started acting like a toddler? We all go through phases and pick up annoying habits, and sometimes we just need our loved ones to gently tell us if we've picked up a particularly egregious habit. Sometime in the last year, my husband has picked up a habit where he talks like a baby. At first it was funny, but passed into embarrassing, cringeworthy behavior quickly. Examples: doggo, pupper, woofer/subwoofer, pibble, hooty-boy, pee


Text - Just before the pandemic hit, we were out at a restaurant with some friends, he actually ordered a "chicky sammy" like, said that exact phrase. Chicky. Sammy. Look, it's totally fine that he ordered the chicken sandwich. That's not the issue. Our friends noticed the baby talk, because he insisted on continuing the "joke" and even started talking with this god awful toddler... lilt? Accent? After that, I just couldn't stomach the idea of going out with him to adult places. I'd go out to th


Text - I was MORTIFIED. People were staring at him and me. He kept going and kept saying "CAN WE GET POPSICOOOS?" and I just said "Either talk to me like an adult or l'm leaving." He started saying 000000 YOU MUST BE FUN AT PARTIES and LIGHTEN UP, WILL YOU? And shit like that. I just said fuck it, and left the store, leaving him to walk home (like a mile, it was fine) because I couldn't even look at him. Since then, things have been very tense, and he keeps telling me that he wants an apology fo


Text - He got his fucking Mom involved, no joke. She keeps telling me it's just a phase and that he's probably bored and I should be happy this is his midlife crisis, rather than him fucking 19 year olds at the local bar. I'm going crazy. AITA? Do I really just need to let my husband continuously embarrass me like this? Edit: Sorry, there was only so much space. I have talked to him. Multiple times. Especially about the sexual comments. I've made it extremely, abundantly clear that him using ter


Text - Does he do it with friends? Sometimes, and it's generally meant to annoy them or gross them out, but he stops. He has friends where they think its "cute" to embarrass each other. Is this a kink/fetish?: If so, l'm absolutely done. (Edited because it was offensive) Has he seen a doctor?: No, but l've asked him if he needed to talk to someone because he was acting strange, and he accused me of being stuck up and judgmental. Given that he doesn't act like this with his coworkers, or his fami


Text - Does he have childhood trauma?: As far as I know, and l'm relatively close to his family and would likely know, the most traumatic thing he had happen was a minor car accident when he was around 13 years old. No injuries, no death, etc. He hasn't been in a car accident in the past two years or anything like that, and I haven't, and AFAIK no one else in his family has been, etc. I want to send you a chat instead of my comment getting lost: Please don't. I've had a number of people repost t


Text - withoutguidance · 15h · Partassipant [1] Man, by the title, I assumed he just threw a temper tantrum or something. This was soo0o much worse and I have no idea how you've put up with it for as long as you have. NTA and your husband needs some professional interference ASAP


Text - IchigoKakarot · 15h · Partassipant [1] Nta, l'd show up to his work with diapers and demand to change him for going poopoo and see how he handles that. Reply 1.7k


Text - Rainbow_dreaming · 15h · Partassipant [1] At this point I'm wondering if it's a fetish. Either it's a fetish or he's deliberately pissing you off. Either way, you've made it clear you don't like it. I'm so sorry he's being such a dick. I think couples counselling is the only option, or therapy just for you to work out if you want to stay married to a baby talking douche- nozzle. 3.0k rawsugar87 · 13h · Partassipant [1] 2 Awards I almost want OP to play along and bring home a really tall h


Text - blobofdepression • 14h Did this start before the pandemic lock downs or after? Have you guys been completely isolated from other people for the duration of the global situation? I just wonder if maybe it's a mental health issue he needs to see a psychologist for? Like maybe this is a weird reaction to pandemic stress? That's the only thing I can think of that could make any sense. Otherwise why on earth would he not change the behavior after you've talked about it multiple times, and you'


Text - ChemE-challenged · 14h Some of the words like chicken tendies, doggo, pupper, and the bajingos thing are memes to certain communities, and so repeating them is just him making a joke. But some of the other stuff is wild and him not stopping is kinda concerning, really annoying at least. NTA to me.


Text - ChemicalPorcupine · 15h · Certified Proctologist [27] NTA, and the MIL saying you're "lucky" is just horrible. Reply 1.1k Here_for_tea_ • 14h Yeah. Saying you're lucky he's not cheating on you with teenagers? That's weird and gross. 547 souroversweet · 12h · Partassipant [1] When the mom's golden standard is her married son deciding not to fuck random 19 year olds he meets at bars. Lmao 353


Text - Blueberry_Lemon_Cake • 14h NTA, what the actual fuck. My boyfriend and I are in our thirties and will admit that our speech can be fairly young - there are doggos, things with cronch, and our pet name for each other is a similar cutesy derivative. But that's, you know, at home. And we're both down for it! What boggles my mind is when people say, "I can't believe you're making a big deal about X!" when the issue is actually, "I have told you repeatedly that X action bothers me a lot, but y


Text - SwiggyBloodlust · 14h · Partassipant [2] 1 Award If it's a fetish he needs to be upfront about it. At this point, since he is being a baby I would send him to live with mommy. NTA Reply 698 GoblinMode • 13h Not only does he need to be upfront about it, he needs to understand that it makes OP seriously uncomfortable, and stop 1 209


Text - LaudableToenail • 15h • Partassipant [2] INFO: Have you had a conversation with him about this, or was it just the one time with the ice cream? Reply 306 smallslicedskin 15h Oh god yes, I've talked to him a number of times. Especially when it comes to the genitalia discussion, I've made it extremely clear that the way he talks is a turn-off and is downright repulsive. I've talked to him beyond the sexual things, too. He just keeps doing it because he thinks, I don't know, it's funny or wh


Text - imjustlikecindy • 15h Does he not mind that you haven't had sex in six months as a direct result to this behavior? 412 smallslicedskin 15h He does. He doesn't get why I keep rejecting him, and keeps telling me l'm being "uptight" and that I need to "loosen up" and have fun. 757


Text - EscalatingEris • 15h · Asshole Aficionado [11] NTA. He knows you hate it, yet he keeps on doing it. Cynical as I am, I can't help wondering if this is his weird way of trying to get you to dump him. Reply 283


Text - jadepumpkin1984 · 15h · Partassipant [3] Does he talk to his boss like this??? Reply 139 BohrWasTheBrainlet • 14h Is his boss Michael Scott? 1 120


Text - smallslicedskin • 12h Hmm, I don't honestly know what he does on YouTube, or on his computer in general. He's typically in a separate room when he's doing that, his office, and l've never thought to check in. 144 rhian116 • 12h It was the terms "birb," "chicky sammich," and "sammiches" that caught my attention. These are super, super common on YouTube. Especially birb. It doesn't sound like a neurological thing, like a tumor like others are suggesting, to me. It sounds like a "getting obs


Text - Amara_Undone • 15h · Certified Proctologist [21] When my 2 year old asks me for a "cullcul" (cuddle) it's absolutely adorable. If a grown @ss man did the same, married or not to him, I might be tempted to throw something at him. NTA. It sounds like he needs therapy or something, this isn't normal. Reply 105


Text - savagejames1369420 · 15h NTA I want to see this guy so I can look him right in the eyeballs and shake my head very disapprovingly. Reply 1 79


Text - Fleurlamie111 • 15h NTA - this is actually filling me with rage. Reply 1 71

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