Thread: 'Lord of the Rings' Characters as Bad Ex-Boyfriends

Anyone who has dated men knows that there are many different brands of bad ex-boyfriends. There's the cheater. The narcissist. The deadbeat and the doofus. There are know-it-alls who instinctually mansplain, and then party animals who seem to always have a drink in their hands. Some of them (most of them) share more than one of these lovely qualities.

While it's not usually  fun to go over one's history of bad dating choices, Twitter user Alex Arreliahas managed to spin some classically crappy dude tropes and assign them to our favorite fantasy films: the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's a hilarious - and accurate - thread filled with personality types we wish we were less familiar with. We've put most of the astute tweets in this gallery, but there are even more at the link.

from Memebase

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