Barista Goes Viral Showcasing All Their Sad Google Reviews, Prompts Other Service Workers To Do The Same

With a lot of customer service jobs, it's the people you're serving who make or break the job. Unfortunately, a lot of these people also enjoy being jerks. In the internet age, the dilemma is even worse, because we have the joys of Google allowing every mildly inconvenienced customer to channel their rage at supposedly subpar service for the whole world to see and judge. When the mere whims of a Karen-esque keyboard warrior can put your entire livelihood at risk, it makes sense that you might enjoy the occasional clapback.

However, few go as far as @logurra, a barista who took to Twitter to showcase all the Google reviews that have criticized them for not being happy enough on the job. It gained a largely sympathetic response, with others sharing their own highlights of being talked down to through the medium of online reviewing. A lot of it paints a depressing picture of customer entitlement, but at least it's kind of ridiculous enough to laugh about.

from Memebase

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