Cashier Displays Champion Grocery Scanning Skills, Not Everyone Is Impressed

No matter what some might say, there really is no such thing as unskilled labor. Whether they're making your coffee or mopping the floor, pretty much anyone who works for an hourly rate has had to refine what they do until it's something close to an art form (or at least decent enough that it isn't going to get them fired). When people don't always show their gratitude and a raise can be hard to come by, it's no wonder that some enjoy showing off by taking their skills to social media. This seemed to be the case when @mikeram6 filmed an anonymous cashier putting almost an entire cart of groceries through the till in under twenty seconds. While the employee had undeniably mastered the art of ringing up, many viewers were less than impressed with the graft and stress involved in honing the craft. As anyone who has ever shopped in Aldi will tell you, it's just as much of a skill keeping up with flying food items when they are being processed like this.

from Memebase

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