TikToker Enrages the Internet With Spreadsheet That Ranks His Friends By Wealth

Traveling with friends can be rough. By your mid-twenties your friends are probably all over the map where salaries are concerned. And if the friends with deeper pockets aren't sensitive to the plights of people with a little less wiggle room, it can even destroy a friendship. When I heard a TikTok about a "traveling" spreadsheet that dealt with a friend group's finances, my assumption was that it was a way to be thoughtful and inclusive. 

I was...mostly wrong.

The video, which reveals the staggering salaries of this dude's friend group, also reveals that they call their 6-figure-earning friend Bobby "Broke Bobby." Their highest paid friend is raking in 5 million dollars a year. The spreadsheet is replete with expected bonuses, willingness to travel to third-world countries, and whether or not they are willing to chip in on private air travel. It's all too much for my broke ass to comprehend. And I am far from alone. Twitter users balked at the callous display of wealth, which came from TikToker Tom Cruz (@tcruznc.) Though the video in question has been deleted, Cruz posted what we think is a tongue-in-cheek follow-up.It's not garnered much attention, and that's because the  the fun (and the hate) lives elsewhere - on Karim Alammuri's thread. And boy are we reveling in it.  

from Memebase https://ift.tt/3j1wppN

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