Tolkien Tuesday #52: 40+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

It happened again. 

Friday night. Late. I stumble home from the bar and see my roommate on the couch staring at his phone and nursing a beer. As if possessed by some alien force I grab the remote and type "te ttwo twers." After several tries (damn those Roku remotes) it is done, and I'm fast forwarding through the film trying desperately to get to the battle of Helm's Deep. 

This routine is one that happens at least once a month. And whether I'm 3 drinks deep or 7, I still cry when Haldir dies and get chills when Gandalf leads the Rohirrim to victory. While I can't explain the drunken compulsion, it's not particularly surprising that the LOTR itch is pretty much ever-present. The enjoyable experience of collecting memes for Tolkien Tuesday isn't always enough. But I'm happy to report that we're back with even more Lord of the Rings memes than usual. They may not keep some of us from our drunken rituals, but they are filled with enough dumb humor to keep most Tolkien-lovers entertained. 

from Memebase

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