The etiquette of life is pretty different when you're in the air, full of rules that do everything from stopping people being jerks to preventing the plane from doing a nosedive. If you've half-watched the cabin crew do the safety demonstration enough times, one of these that is probably burned into your brain is a variation on the words "smoking is not permitted on this flight".
However, this doesn't always mean that people pay attention to it. While it may seem like an obvious rule that applies to most indoor public spaces nowadays, there seems to be something in the air that makes some need a hit of that sweet, addictive nicotine. When @beatrixtrifonova's Spirit Airlines flight touched down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the plane was plunged into chaos when a woman near her began smoking a cigarette near another passenger who had asthma.
Following the complaints of several people, the woman apparently protested that she had had "a long day", before she was shown to be escorted off the flight by police in a follow up video. It's just as well she didn't feel the need to spark up while they were in the air.
from Memebase