Since Warner Bros launched that trippy interactive website on Tuesday, the internet has been literally shaking in anticipation for the full Matrix Resurrections trailer. Well the wait is over for all the Matrix-pilled fans out there.
So Neo and Trinity have aged and appear to be experiencing amnesia in a sterile-looking San Francisco, while younger versions of Morpheus and the Oracle still seem to know what's going on. What does it all mean? Has the Matrix literally rebooted? In the last movie, Neo made a deal with the machines, promising to help destroy the rogue Agent Smith if, in return, Zion was allowed to continue existing. So it's safe to assume that the Matrix 'updated' to version 7.0, but this time without the destruction of Zion. We have plenty of time to speculate on what might be in store for our cyber punk hero. The Matrix Resurrections comes out on December 22 and we're so ready to stay in wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Until then, see what the fans are saying.
from Memebase