'Unpopular Opinion' About Working Weekends Gets Roasted by the Internet

Another day, another terrible Twitter take. The state of how we work has been a major topic of discussion as the world attempts to return to normalcy as Covid-19 seems to be less of a threat for many countries. There have been many think-pieces and Twitter threads about working remotely and fair wages. Then there was the revelation that people would rather quit their jobs than go back to the office. People are starting to question how much of our lives are devoted to work. Which is healthy. Time is precious. We need money, but should we be grinding ourselves to death for it? Or spending 10 hours a week commuting? We don't think so. 

There are, of course, opponents of this radical way of thinking. There are CEOs who are eager to pull the plug on remote work - and the BBC is reporting that the five-day workweek will be re-normalized by 2022. But one person thinks that five days is not enough. Twitter user and venture capitalist (Principal at Atomic) Jordan Kong stoked the ire of a lot of people this past weekend when she tweeted her thoughts on young people trying to work on their careers. 

The sentiment - which seems a little dehumanizing - was not received well. Proponents of balance and "working to live" were quick to share their opposition. Incredulous people shared some roasty zingers. And then, of course, the funny people of Twitter turned the tweet into a snowclone, with some memes showing their disdain for the take and others using it to make jokes filled with pop culture references. Though we're sure some people will disagree, it's nice to see some people standing up for our right to not work. Even if they're doing it through memes.

from Memebase https://ift.tt/2U834zW

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