People Dunk On Terribly Designed Loft Apartment

It's a rite of passage of moving into anywhere new. You unpack everything, get settled in and then realize that there are several annoying features to your new home that the real estate agents conveniently swept under the carpet. Whether you're barely scraping rent or money is not an object, all of us have suffered from impractical interiors at some point. 

Even when you are lucky enough to find somewhere that could be your dream home, there are going to be issues that you have to learn to live with. This was something brought to the attention of Twitter user @Cupidhrt, who shared a picture of a loft apartment as a show of appreciation for the design. People were quick to reply and point out that while it might be showy, the architecture was more than a little hard to live in. Cooking right underneath the sleeping area and an apparent lack of storage space were pointed out as downsides.

Whatever you might think of living without walls, many Twitter users here make some very valid points. The joke's on them, though. Most of us probably couldn't afford to live alone in a swanky urban loft anyway.

from Memebase

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