Target Chat Agent Gets Real With Customer, People Relate

The only thing more annoying than having to contact customer service is being the person that has to deal with your request. Dealing with angry customers all day can get draining pretty fast, especially when you have to stick to the same old script every time.

However, as patrons we have come to expect a standardized level of help from those who are there to solve our problems. This is why @thisisnttyler got taken by surprise, when the Target chat agent helping him order a replacement product opened up to him in a routine interaction.

Taking to Twitter to share the exchange, Tyler revealed that the Target employee, known as James, had opened up to him about his marital strife when he had asked him how he was. While he might have been getting something new that day, it seemed like James's wife had been left out in the cold.

Although the actions of James in his personal life are definitely not great, many people sympathized with his plight. Some current and former customer service representatives admitted they had been tempted to behave similarly, and other Twitter users were amused by his willingness to share. While it may not have been the most professional approach, it brought a lot of entertainment value (and a little free therapy).


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