Fifty Hot Roasts Served Up To People Who Crave Pain

We're not fans of bullying or "othering" people but roasting is a thing all it's own. If people ask for it, roasting and toasting should definitely be fair game. So don't feel too guilty scrolling through these owns. They got what they asked for.


Hair - 7 ROAST ME 67 points 2 days ago H greeno911 Under all that bullshit you got on, there's probably a nice looking little boy


Eyewear - Roast Me HCustardpaws 700 points 4 days ago You look like you say "ew" a lot in bed


Facial hair - Hsmeg luganus Venfied Roastee 1408 points 5 days ago (last edited 4 days ago) Your hair looks like a fire hazard and your face looks like a child hazard RESIRARSES aggs resiglos


Face - /YOnst we h3xtEr 985 points 5 days ago Sid the Sloth's less attractive sister.


Hair - H tactical_lampost 154 points 14 hours ago Id never roast plastic thats bad for the environment


Job - Boyfriend doesn't pleasure me enough E /roastme ENIAY K91776 3.8k points Have you put new batteries in it?


Text - Pick Locks_Get Money Verified Roastbeet 3457 points 1 month ago You look like your pacifier was made of asbestos - lawrencethetornado 2376 points 1 month ago I can't tell if you're 17, 53 or retarded. IR/ ROAST Me ROJOC 92 [wimmyjales 1715 points 1 month ago If you're here, whose modeling for the cover of MAD? [ Pick Locks Get Money Verified Roastbeet 1642 points 1 month ago You look like your mom let you try your first beer through an umbilical cord


Reading - RAst Me 178 points 5 hours ago tuspa Verified Roastee Error 404: Upper lip not found


Pink - r/Rooisthe ROAST US NERDS Hwavingunatnuns 541 points 6 days ago I can't tell which one of you is the ugly friend


Hair - I can literally hear your acne screaming for air


Hair - nsime 224 points 2 days ago H ArseKraken You could be the daughter of Sid from ice age


Facial expression - assent Champions RoastMe HShankKunt42 436 points 7 hours ago She looks like that drunk girl that everyone fucks but no one remembers DAM FUNNY


Face - 24 years old and never been in a relationship. Tell me why ( submitted 25 days ago by ZGraves 816 comments share RIROASTME H konyfan2012 3088 points 24 days ago because you look like lindsay lohan's face stretched over jean claude van damme's skull.


Text - PRODE dish 00 Roast me -cobazar 71 points 16 hours ago In the words of J. R. R. Tolkien, "sometimes even elves were born fat and retarded"


Shoulder - H themlkeabides 586 points 29 days ago You look like a mentally challenged broccoli


Photo caption - Hwhitepowrnascar 522 points 4 days ago This is the picture they'll use in your serial killer documentary


Soldier - NOLP SARMY /Roas Me H reddit809 3878 points 1 day ago As if you needed camouflage to go unnoticed


Face - 24/F Plastic surgery is in my future. What could use some work? Best of Pt. 7,#1 346 points 6 days ago H Sapples23 A horizontal incision across the neck would do society much good


Text - - GinoMontana 57 points 3 days ago You look like the asshole who kept Nemo in a tank. hide child comments save-RE s source permalink in Iri Roast Me


Shoulder - Me Youd think she could remember the a its been her oup size since puberty mk vRES


Skin - 25 year old, uncharismatic stripper with major depressive disorder and anxiety. Do your thing I guess Coast me Herien88863313 points 2 days ago "Do your thing I guess" - what most of your customers reluctantly say


Photo caption - Roast me before I go to work! ** the world until they put Next Post a suit and tie on me. (source) 3 hours ago H C4RBON-F1BON4CC1 Looks like the dude I paid to fix my car but stole the radio instead HRudeBird Come clean, you don't have a job. You're dressed like that for court. H PlanetShroomz You're dressed like you're about to lose custody of your kids H YeOldeNerd You look like you just got promoted to be the manager's assistant at Burger King.


Forehead - Otis Spunkr gott gets Reas Me surfdiggins 1037 points 1 day ago- Your arterys are as full as your hard drive is with kiddy porn, they should call you molesterol


Selfie - 9U8 -1willamsweave 1 point 8 hours ago A pair of wild lesbians appeared!


Face - [ mr_delicious 433 points 3 months ago You're the complete opposite of bacon because everyone loves bacon R/RoaStMe atomnapier 165 points 3 months ago Living fucking proof that you are what you eat.


Face - H-Kiwi-Man-305 points 4 days ago Someone send this to Adele so she knows what she will look like if she becomes a crack whore


Face - tempestae 258 points 5 days ago You look like one of the girls Liam Neeson didnt bother to save in Taken. A ROAST Me


Photo caption - RIROAST ME H 110069 10 points 14 hours ago If Adam Sandler and Sarah Jessica Parker has a kid...


Hand - 1- D2theMcV 833 points 1 day ago NASA releases the first images of Planet 9 Doost Me StarshipEnterprise 242 points 1 day ago Better enjoy getting out of the house while you still can


Fashion - hasst Me H GemJack 1225 points 29 days ago We get it, you washed it. PhucYoCouch 280 points 28 days ago I think she's just airing it out to get the cat to come home


Forehead - 300 points 21 hours ago maevtr You look like the offspring of tony hawk and a fucking toucan. permalink source save-RES hide child comments destinypallooker 28 points 12 hours ago Tony hawk and an actual hawk Ros Folloe Your Nose!


Text - BORDEAUX ERIE DES BEAUX-ARTS H Youare4 109 points 6 days ago you look like Kristen Schaal had sex with a breadstick r/roast me


Text - 17 year old from Greece destroy my self esteem H Neddius 3991 points 1 day ago I rate your looks lower than your country's GDP. H deadm3ntellnotales day ago 1863 points 1 No need to tell me when you're 18.


Fast food - OOKSTORE ROASt ME ANI H tekeem 505 points 6 days ago Just like every penis in her hands, forever floppy


Forehead - Hkennethjc 410 points 5 days ago Any word on Sister Act 3? NOTHER ONE r/roastme SC:official PG3 H Pick Locks_Get Money Veried Roastbee 500 points 5 days ago You look like mid-evolution lil wayne The-Majestic 338 points 5 days ago You know its bad when you DJ Khaled is your musical inspiration theunbearableone 812 points 5 days ago For the last time, nobody wants a copy of your fucking mixtape


Hair - online schooler, and wannabe programmer. Destroy me. R RonIME 420 points 2 days ago Hsnakeplizzken Harry Potter and the University of Phoenix.


Hair - Fuck it submitted 1 day ago by (deleted 5108 comments thars save hide roport H TheMasterFatman 3080 points 22 hours ago I'd roast you, but don't have the /Roast Me $350 you charge per hour.


Photo caption - al Roartime H'll take it I'm an aspiring actress. I'm tough HscruntfuttockO 3783 points 6 days ago You may never land a role but I'm sure you'll end up in a trailer


Muscle - R Roast ME - Mac290 49 points 3 hourss ago How did you get out of the stable? permalink embed save report give gold reply [-1 Swampthangy 4 points 3 hours ago What was it like working with Shrek? permalink embed save report give gold reply DAM FUNNY


Job - have fun fuckers ( submitted 21 days ago by madsuns eried Roaste 640 comments source share save hide give gold ROAST ME 3783 points 21 days ago HQuortek "Have fun fuckers" Things you've said to the football team. Things you've said at the family reunion. permalink source embed save save-RES report give gold reply hide child comments


Eyewear - Roasle 2131 points 22 hours ago You should return your groucho glasses to the store, it's missing the mustache H CRuins


Hair - rroastme Hcivicbro 60 points 5 days ago You passed the blow up doll audition permalink source embed save save-RES report


Reading - Reast Me 581 points 13 days ago H] PM ME UR TITS_N_TATS She looks like she collects men's nuts for winter.


Text - Do you love Jesus? Then come over here boy. Nv Taj 767 points 6 days ago H Dysthymike Ugh, I can feel my last supper coming back up


Selfie - r/roast me HAtheR13 993 points 1 month age Shit I'd have that much wine in my house too if you were my daughter pemaink source save save RES repon glve gold reply hide child comments


Job - ROAST kianotthecar 229 points 5 days ago You look like Lord Farquaad hate fucked Lucy Liu


Job - SCHO Chowi Eario Fom I- legauge 1 point 9 hours ago SHIT DO YOU GET HD WITH THAT FOREHEAD? permalink save report give gold reply ১ ANA T I mattVerified Roastee 2 points hours ago I'm glad to see that your school encourages special student sports permalink save report give gold reply


Product - ROAST ME heyman1138 536 points 11 hours ago You look like you'd be ok if I tipped you in cigarettes and pregnancy tests permalink source save save-RES report give gold reply


Hair - Metame002 54 points 1 day ago Damn! I'd hate to see how the other two Hanson brothers turned out after this. permalink source save-RES hide child comments ROAST ME!


Hair - ROAST ME 8 points 4 hours ago Alltoocommon It's unfortunate that mole draws so much attention to your Adam's apple.

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from Memebase

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