Twenty-Three Relatable Tweets For Exhausted Parents

Parenting is a struggle when things are "normal." But the struggle has increased tenfold with many parents having to watch over their children 24/7 in lockdown. We know it's tough, but sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at the insanity. Hopefully these tweets will help you do just that.


Text - Some Boys' Mother @someboysmother My 3yo is telling me that ladies can't be farmers because their clothes don't have pockets to hold apples for the horses.


Text - Simon Holland @simoncholland It's funny how the floor, the counter, and the kitchen become "my floors, my counters, and my kitchen" once you start cleaning them. 3:43 PM · 8/10/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Real Life Mommy @reallifemommy3 Looking for a new diet? get yourself a 6 year old. Every spoonful of missing ice cream will be noticed, each candy wrapper will be counted, and all empty bags of chips wll be brought to light. You cannot hide from the watchful eye of a 6 year old. 8:21 PM · 8/10/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Average Dad @Average_Dad1 Wife to kid: when you grow up you can be anything you want Me: I mean we'd definitely prefer it if you didn't grow up to be a serial killer though Wife: BUT IF THATS WHAT YOU DECIDE TO BE YOU WILL BE THE BEST SERIAL KILLER THIS WORLD HAS EVER SEEN Me and kid: 7:58 PM · 8/10/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Vision Bored @VisionBored1 My son just told my neighbour that mommy likes to eat hard meat because we had some accidentally burned sausages for dinner so we're moving now 5:37 PM · 8/10/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Rachel Sobel @whinecheezits My toddler thought a Cheeto was a carrot and my tween made a "smoothie" recipe she saw on YouTube which consisted of Koolaid, sugar and lemonade. If you're in the market for a nutrition coach look no further. 6:17 PM · 8/10/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Lawn - pantagrapher @pantagrapher My kids like to stage horrific accident scenes on the sidewalk to see if they can trick people.


Product - My kid doesn't know what he's up against. @alienwithnojob ZURU XSHOT


Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer One of my main goals as a parent is to provide my kid with enough amenities that she would never ask me to take her camping. 8:22 PM · 6/17/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Simon Holland O @simoncholland Dad vacation to do list 1. Wake up at 6 AM for no reason 2. Buy a local newspaper 3. Complain about the coffee maker 4. Try to make people feel bad for sleeping in 5. Seafood 6. Call the GPS stupid 7. Organize the fishing stuff again 9:56 AM · 6/18/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Jessie @mommajessiec Kid: Me and Dad made this for you. Me: *eyes well up with tears* It's Dad and I. 10:42 AM · 6/18/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Robert Knop @FatherWithTwins Good news: My son cleaned his room Bad news: He found his harmonica 9:53 PM · 6/8/20 · Twitter for iPhone >


Text - Simon Holland O @simoncholland The day your kids stop waking up early on the weekend is the same day your body stops letting you sleep in. 7:36 AM · 6/14/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - @GingerHotDish Never ask your teenager how you look today, unless you're prepared for them to say shit like "you look Amish" or "you look like you sell essential oils and don't vaccinate your kids" Wow, thanks. 2:58 PM · 6/11/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Snarky Mommy @SnarkyMommy78 *adds alone time to my Amazon wishlist* 10:15 AM · 6/18/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Simon Holland O @simoncholland Now what? -kids after eating cereal every morning of quarantine summer. 12:24 PM · 6/15/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - A Bearer Of Dad News @HomeWithPeanut So this is the sign my 4 year-old made for me to take when I go protesting. No idea what it says. But with all the exclamation points, all I know is I love it. LAMW15 bd ANPPPEEVv! DHCTKI


Text - Sarcastic Mommy @sarcasticmommy4 If listening to your kid tell a story burned calories, l'd be invisible. 4:12 PM · 6/13/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Sarcastic Mommy @sarcasticmommy4 My son was getting ready to go out with friends so I asked him what time he was leaving & who was picking him up & I was met with "OH MY GOSH WHY ARE YOU ASKING 100 QUESTIONS?" So in teenager math, 2 questions 100 questions. Got it. 11:07 PM · 6/17/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Mommy Owl @Lhlodder Sent my kid to my mother-in-law's house today FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3 MONTHS. She says, "Don't worry. I won't miss you, mama!" No worries, sweetie, I won't miss you either.


Text - OneFunnyMummy @OneFunnyMummy Sometimes it's great being a mom and other times my kids are awake. 2:27 PM · 11/14/14 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Mommy Needs A Life @mom_needsalife Trying to get excited for a summer in quarantine when you're a parent is like trying to get excited for the weekend when you're a parent. 10:00 AM · 6/15/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Text - Sarcastic Mommy @sarcasticmommy4 New neighbors moved in & asked if my son could go over & have a play date. Sure, I don't know anything about you, but if you're offering me a few hours of peace & quiet, he's all yours.

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