Twenty-One Wrestling Gems From 'The Atomic Elbow'

There's something about professional wrestling that just goes so perfectly with memes, and we're here for it. And lucky for us, The Atomic Elbow creates hilarious original wrestling memes that we can all thoroughly enjoy. We've collected some of our recent favorites for you down below.


Text - The salad, that I surprisingly ate, landing in my stomach amongst the garbage that I normally eat @the atomic.elbow There's no Hulkamaniacs here!


Wrestling - When everybody wakes up the next morning after a hard night of drinking @the.atomic.elbow


Professional wrestling - When your dad finally comes back from getting cigarettes 20 years ago to play catch with you @the atomicelbow CRUS


Face - What my Hot Pocket sees through the window of the microwave at 2:32 a.m. @the.atomic.elbow


Professional wrestling - When your dad finally comes back from getting cigarettes 20 years ago to play catch with you @the.atomic.elbow wwwY CRUS AAAM


Barechested - Mf's in 70's porn be like... @the atomic.elbow


Cool - When you're not sure if that spot on the ceiling is a spider or not and then it starts moving @the.atomic.elbow Hul


Professional wrestling - @the.atomic.elbow My wife getting ready for work Me about to ruin the bathroom with a coffee deuce The cat wanting to be fed its damn breakfast


Flesh - If my name was Bobby and there were some roller dogs around @the atomic elbow WCW: WONDAY MONDAY ITRO UITRO INT WOW ITR WOW NITRO BOBBY EATON HONDAY UND


Text - Me: "please don't chew anything up while I'm gone" My dog 2 minutes after I leave: @the.atomic.elbow RLD MPIONSH LING


Organism - Person in Exxon Mobil: "damn they're out of roller dogs" Me covering 4 of them with nacho cheese and chili: @the.atomic.elbow That's too bad


Product - @the.atomic.elbow My cat about to jump on the bed Me and my wife having kinky sex


Face - Me: *gets called to the principals office* All the kids in my classroom: @the.atomic.elbow


Facial expression - A box of Little Debbies I stole from their pantry @the.atomic.elbow Me leaving my neighbors cookout


Professional wrestling - What my FBI agent sees through my webcam as I switch to incognito mode @the.atomic.elbow MOND NITRE


Face - How my wife listens to my side of the argument before she absolutely roasts me @the.atomic.elbow


Facial expression - When you're passed out drunk but you hear whispers of a Taco Bell run @the.atomic.elbow


Text - The ghost in my house after he walked into the bathroom only to find me checking my butthole in the mirror @the.atomic.elbow WF


Face - Exxon Mobil employee: "sorry sir we don't put out the roller dogs until noon" Me at 7:42 am: @the.atomic.elbow


Wrestling - Nobody: The earbuds in my pocket: @the.atomic.elbow


Photo caption - The memory of that time I sneezed too hard and a little fart came out during a job interview My brain as I'm trying to go to sleep @the.atomic.elbow

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from Memebase

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