21 Retail Warriors Share Their Most Ludicrous Customer Requests

There are very few jobs as thankless as that of a retail worker. Having to juggle your regular responsibilities and entitled people should be an Olympic sport. This Twitter thread from last week is proof that everyone needs to work retail at some point so we can avoid the horror stories these poor people had to endure.


Text - Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun What's the most ridiculous demand a customer has made of you? I'll go first: when I was working retail, a woman once demanded I pick her up from her Botox appointment with my car & bring her to the mall to shop


Text - norm powell's sister wives @internetlauren Replying to @isabelzawtun when i was a barista a lady came in and asked for a latte and what kind of milk we had. i told her we had 1%, whole milk, and skim. she then asked me to make her a latte w 2%, i was like, uhhh, we don't have that, and she was like, well to make it you mix 1% and whole milk


Text - Andy @ltsAndyFromWork Replying to @isabelzawtun Working at a children's toy store a mom came in to return a yo-yo claiming it was "Broken" I examined the toy, found nothing wrong, then played with the yo-yo in front of her. I was just like "I dunno, it's working now" She did not have a receipt


Text - Brittany Clayton @BrittanyClayton Replying to @isabelzawtun I managed a museum that would close sometimes for private events. During one of these events, a woman and her daughter arrived, wanting to see the museum. When I said it was closed, she demanded we give them a gift card to the museum store and pay for a taxi back to their hotel.


Text - Brittany Clayton @BrittanyClayton Also we had ticketed entry times, and our website clearly stated the last entry was an hour before closing. So many irate people- "but it's our last day here and this was the #1 thing we wanted to do!!" Then why'd you wait until 8:30pm on the last day of your trip to do it?


Text - GRANARCHIST @weed_granny69 · 3d Replying to @isabelzawtun And one time a customer got so angry they stormed off because they wanted a "hot iced coffee" and my coworker tried to clarify what the fuck they meant; like is that an iced coffee... heated up? Do you want us to microwave cold brew? Hot coffee with ice? Still confused O 9,222 27755 94 Sonja @sonjackson5 · 2d This happens WAY more than it should. My husband used to work and at Starbucks and someone in the drive thru asked for an "i


Text - Mayor P and 11 others retweeted 3 of... @punmagnate Replying to @isabelzawtun I was a restaurant manager and a guy came in and said he deserved a free pie because he had bought a pie from another restaurant (not mine, not even same chain) and it had "a piece of plastic" in it. I said 'what' and he gave me a list of the only flavors that he would accept


Text - jessica lafreniere @30yroldrunaway 3d v Replying to @isabelzawtun I worked in Thailand in a Thai restaurant and we had a guy argue with the Thai owner that the red curry was wrong because it didn't look the same as when he got it in LA. Q 12 2762 1,855 Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun · 3d The caucacity O 2,080 2732 10 2 more replies


Text - Anna @niftybiscuit Replying to @isabelzawtun Bought $1200 worth of tiny glass decor at Pier 1, made me wrap each piece individually, and then made me unwrap each piece bc she was convinced I wrapped her credit card. It was in her wallet, in her car


Text - Amy @amy_bugg Replying to @isabelzawtun I used to work at an outdoor tennis court and a man would always call me to ask if it was raining. He lived five blocks away. Look out your friggen window Carl.


Text - Elrond Cupboard @davewal Replying to @isabelzawtun Bagging a large grocery order I was told not to use too many bags, and also not to make them too heavy. Physics has laws, ma'am.


Text - Boey Goey @sbicyboi Replying to @isabelzawtun I worked at a restaurant and bar when a lady ordered a sparkling wine. I brought it to her in a generic wine glass. She refused to drink it because it wasn't in a champagne flute. Lord help me if I told her that not all sparkling wine is champagne.


Text - [Kay.Noire] @KayNoire Replying to @isabelzawtun I was a waitress in Germany with many Swiss patrons. Our restaurant graciously accepted Swiss Francs, but we'd give Euros as change. Every day Swiss people yelled at me why we don't carry Swiss Francs IN GERMANY. SWITZERLAND IS NOT PART OF THE EU AND THAT IS A YOU PROBLEM.


Text - hawyee @hcdizzle_ Replying to @isabelzawtun it was a kid so this doesn't count but i worked a lifeguarding job at a lake and a little girl came up to me livid that the lake had no waves like the ocean. she demanded i make some, so i pretended to call my coworker and request waves


Text - Scott WamplerT O @ScottWamplerBMD At the very first serving job I ever had, a woman ordered a Diet Coke with "one ice cube in it, an inch on each side" and when I laughed, thinking she was joking, she just stared at me, waiting. Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun · 3d What's the most ridiculous demand a customer has made of you? I'll go first: when I was working retail, a woman once demanded I pick her up from her Botox appointment with my car & bring her to the mall to shop Show this thread


Text - bill bria @billbria the woman who showed up to Hollywood Video in the summer of 2002 and demanded I rent her a copy of Spider-Man, which was in theaters at the time Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun · 3d What's the most ridiculous demand a customer has made of you? l'll go first: when I was working retail, a woman once demanded I pick her up from her Botox appointment with my car & bring her to the mall to shop Show this thread


Text - E Adam Ingle @meesterbob Replying to @isabelzawtun Blockbuster. Guy I knew from high school wanted to trade in some games. Open one of the cases-tiny bag of crack flies up, lands on the counter. Minute of staring before he says "That's not my crack." More staring until he pockets the crack and we move on like it never happened.


Text - E Adam Ingle @meesterbob Replying to @isabelzawtun I worked at Blockbuster. We couldn't keep copies of direct-to-video smash hit Bring It On Again in stock. This one guy came in every day for 2 weeks looking for it. Finally screamed "I thought this was a goddamn video store" and started threatening cashier. Cops escorted him out.


Text - Michelle #CysticFibrosisAwareness @michelyntyler Replying to @isabelzawtun I worked at Blockbuster through college and I can't tell you how many times people called asking us to reserve copies of big releases the day before release date. The day before Passion of the Christ released we had at least 7 of these calls. Nope.


Text - jB @wushUdoin ITSA TRAP Replying to @isabelzawtun Not sure if this qualifies, but I watched a grown man walk up to a row of closed registers (10 more ft & he would've reached customer service where 2 people could've helped him). He stopped, looked around & 3 seconds later screamed "HELLLLLP!!!!" at the top of his lungs #fuckface


Text - S. Elf @SnarkyElf · 3d Replying to @cmjmoroney Lol at the deli I had to stack the cheese vertically on the dam ale versus having it spread out at all because I was causing it to weigh more that way. Q2 272 18 Caitlin Moroney @cmjmoroney · 3d aaa reminds me of the old "muscle weighs more than fat" bs

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