Memes For Anyone Who's Irritated By Their Boss

Are you sick and tired of working for The Man? You know, our corporate overlords? If so, then it's time for you to browse through these memes and quietly berate your boss while you pretend to work. Just don't let them see you, because then you might get fired and how are you gonna pay the bills then? A life of crime is definitely an option, but I would go with obsessively buying lottery tickets while waiting for a change of fortune. But try to forget your sordid lot in life by checking out some of these awesome work memes all about the struggle you are in, right now. So take a gander, they won't bite, at least not literally.


Meme - "How your boss looks at you when you request April 20th off"


Meme - Surprised Pikachu - "Me: Makes Memes in excel at work. My Boss: You cant do that. Me"


Meme - Wildlife - "How I think I'll be when standing up to my boss vs how I actually am"


Meme - Leonardo DiCaprio - "When you try to leave work a little early, but your boss reminds you that you have 7 hrs left."


Meme - Game of Thrones, Bran - "My boss watching me walk into work late for the third time this week"


work meme - Vehicle - when you're already off the clock and your boss asks for a favor


work meme - Cartoon - Boss: do more Me: pay me more Boss:


work meme - Text - Can u come in at 9 instead of 12 You requested $25 from Eric. See Details $25 You requested $25 from Eric. Pending (expires November 11 at 10:36 PM) SEE DETAILS


work meme - Text - when your boss walks by and u gotta pretend to be working 73A UNITEL


work meme - Hair - When you're about to leave work and the boss says "before you go..."


work meme - Text - When you haven't been doing shit and your boss walks by Haha yes business and such Fancy Business Documents


work meme - Personal protective equipment - BOSS: Know why I called you in here? ME: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic BOSS [stops pouring 2 glasses of wine] Accidentally?


work meme - Face - When senior managers constantly crack shitty jokes but you need your job and that promotion


Gif - Hair - When your boss walks past

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