57 Dank History Memes That Roast Pretty Much Everyone

We can say with a good deal of certainty that many horrific historic events are glossed over in textbooks, at least in the United States. This partial picture of the past can be pretty misleading at best, and honestly damaging at its worst. History memes, however, take part in very little of that rosy selective memory. Instead, they pretty much roast every damn empire, government, and war that has ever existed. And for that reason, they may be more educational than any of the expensive tomes they assign you in school. These memes make for some pretty great proof. 


history meme - Gun - AA12 years of designing and testing, making a rugged reliable automatic shotgun. Saiga 12 "Hey ivan let's make ak shoot shotgun boolets"


history meme - Motor vehicle - When you finally get to Greenland and it's just a bunch of fucking ice Those bastards lied to me


history meme - Motor vehicle - Girl: I only take guys who drive a porsche Me and the boys:


history meme - Lip - The guy that saw just a lonely plane reach Hiroshima : "Stupid Americans, what damage could they possibly think to achieve with only one pla.." %3D


history meme - Face - Germany getting blamed for both World Wars You think this is funny? Austria


history meme - Finger - Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide OR draw 25 UNO


history meme - Product - Germany Soviets losing 20000 tanks "Ahh call an ambulance!" Soviets coming back with 40000 more 5 months later "But not for me." made with mematic


history meme - Human - Getting shot Getting shot in game in cut scene


history meme - Eyewear - R: 80 / I: 8 How the fuck did Hitler get away with having a sidekick named Himmler, that's like Luigi and Waluigi-tier bullshit.


history meme - Collar - Julv. 1943 LEBENSRAUM Manifest Destiny Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. They're the same picture.


history meme - Carmine - Selling Alaska to the US because it's just useless The US finds oil tundra there


history meme - Metropolitan area - LONDON IN 1902 IF THE COLONIES PAID THEIR DAMN TAXES imgflip.com


history meme - Human - A long, sad chapter of the drug war is brought to a close as investigators finally arrest Marijuana




history meme - Water resources - 100 year war summed up Fuck you Fuck you


history meme - Forehead - I'm that bad type Shish-kabobbing fad type Make the Sultan mad type Might avenge my dad type I'm a Vlaaaad guy duh


history meme - Yellow - Female Ruler : *Enjoys having Sex* Historians: slut! made with mematic


history meme - Finger - When you jump from monarchy to democracy to fascism to democracy to communism to democracy in one century.. Parkour!


history meme - Combat vehicle - Grandad :I drove a Porsche when I was your age His Porsche made with mematic


history meme - Organism - "The United States was built off the backs of slaves" Rest of the world:


history meme - Goggles - Commodore Perry: open your country up for trade Japan: No Commodore Perry: It is not, as they say, optional


history meme - Organism - Ford: we were proudly founded by Henry Ford! Toyota: our founder was the visuonary Kiichiro Toyoda. Volkswagen: imgflip.com


history meme - Face - uklayb The Louisiana Purchase The land is now worth $1.2 Trillion Dollars and you offered me only $15 Million? France, I can explain The Alaskan Purchase Treaty of Guadalupe You offered me $7.2 Million for what is now worth $37 Billion You guys are getting paid?


history meme - People - Casuals: If I had a time machine, I'd stop Hitler. Me, an intellectual: THIS IS EAGLE 1-3, POSITIVE ID ON ALL TARGETS AND THE PACKAGE IS IN HAND, OPERATION JUNO'S THUNDER IS A GO. SEMPER FIDELIS, BRUTUS, YOU CUCK. 11


history meme France, I can explain... 1/2 of the Russian army We are only getting rifles You are equiping your troops with gas masks while we can only afford helmets? 1/2 of the Russian army You guys are getting rifles?


history meme - Text - Beginning of Ww2: Adolf Hitler how do i play Adolf Hitler has annexed Austria! Adolf Hitler has invaded Poland! Adolf Hitler invaded Denmark! Adolf Hitler invaded Norway! Adolf Hitler invaded Belgium! Adolf Hitler has invaded France! Adolf Hitler dont worry guys i figured it out End of WW2: Adolf Hitler : dont worry guys Adolf Hitler:I have a plan Adolf Hitler has left the game.


history meme - Text - When Disney, one of the most powerful companies in the world doesn't even have a private military INDIA Y Shame


history meme galaxy brain Germany Japan Turkey USA Acknowledging the war crimes and genocide you commited Not acknowledging the war crimes you commited Denying the genocide you commited but still saying they deserved it Do so many genocides most people don't know most of them


history meme - Hairstyle - Adolf Hitler passing the Reich Animal Protection Act of 1933 Ocan excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty.


history meme - Photo caption - Treaty with native Americans: *is signed* The United States immediately after:


history meme - Hot dog - How to use mustard? Google: Bing:


history meme classical portrait Haha, what if I turned the Republic into a monarchy again? Just kidding, I would never do that! It's just a joke... ...Unless?


history meme - Organism - Pr Mi wally ei tien Building your settlement near a river for easy irrigation and travel Arlantie Ocean Arrazon R. Building your settlement in the mountains for safety and access to good soil he Inca Empire 1463 - 1532 Naro aren Building your settlement on n Castello a lagoon to have a permanent megamoat Dorsouduro Venice Giudecca Aztec Empire c. 1519 Building your settlement in the middle of a lake because you saw a bird eating a snake MIXTEC chen Core States PACIFIC T


history meme - Organism - breaking up in person breaking up Over a text building a fucking church so you can get divorced


history meme - Organism - Do you wanna keep Panama , or do you wanna keep your kneecaps?


history meme - Collar - Russia: I'm England: I'm fighting for my fighting for my Queen! Tsar! Serbia: @saintlydanijel I'm fighting for 'my fucking life


history meme - Finger - People havirg fought in both world wars and gotten through the Stock market crash Boomers Utkal gamaby


history meme - Sculpture - China in history China in western history book China in eastern history book China in memes


history meme - Face - Americans naming cities Europe "New [City Name]" Europe


history meme - Trigger - Right answers 3" What creature is St. Patrick The English credited with ridding Ireland of? Snakes Wolves Squirrels The English


history meme - Text - PEOPLE IN HIROSHIMA:*EXIST AMERICA: now you can eat sunlight!


history meme - Interaction - The Korean government: We should disband the navy, we can't possibly defeat the Japanese with just 12 ships Admiral Yi Sun-sin: observe. made with mematic


history meme - Blue - Countries that recieved war declaration from Poland during WW I| Countries bombed with nuclear weapon during W I Japan


history meme - Chin - Elephant's Foot (Chernobyl) ☆ The Elephant's Foot is the nickname given to a large mass of corium formed during the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill, but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle.! [21 Soviet problems require soviet solutions


history meme - Collar - North: I'm fighting for the preservation of the union. South: I'm fighting for "state's rights." Native Tribes: I'm fighting for my fucking life


history meme - Tank - New York LIVE 11:35 PM BREAKING NEWS Florida Man Attempts to Invade Poland with a German Tank Tank terrorizes Polish community | Witnesses say he sang "Erika" @ww2comrade_memes Are you crying, my Führer? -No.


history meme black and white photo Sir Robert Watson-Watt, the inventor of RADAR, was caught speeding with a RADAR gun and reportedly said, "'My God if I'd known what they were going to do with it, I'd have never have invented it!"


history meme Sumeria Neat, it's Sumer! They invented: clay Which they used to talk about: wheat they had a lot of fun


history meme - Yellow - Escaped Nazis after WWII


history meme - Yellow - to: mexico from: germany hey wanna team up and beat up america e


history meme - Human - Able-bodied young man in 1914-1918: *Exists* European governments: You'll be a soldier.


history meme - Finger - When you go from monarchy to republic, to monarchy, to republic, have 23 changes of government and 13 coups in 11 years, go bankrupt, fight 3 wars and 2 world wars, followed by a civil war, followed by a military dictatorship followed by a republic all within the same century Parkour!


history meme - Forehead - WW1 generals when they lose 3700 men to gain 17 feet of ground Ah, victory.


history meme - Helmet - When some Belgian mining companies mess up the situation in Congo so you as an Irishman are under siege by French mercenaries in a small city in the Katanga region UN


history meme - Human - This is Gerolamo Cardano. He used to make prediction and even predicted the day of his death but that day he woke healthy so he killed himself. He is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will ONYMU


history meme - Nose - Wanted to go What if You to Heaven That'll be $5.99 Aapa e the Rut pope said 2846


history meme - Face - So Thomas, how have your views on race evolved now that you have multiple black children? I can't believe l've been buying servants when you can make them for free.

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/3onjfn7

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