Entitled Kid Schooled After Demanding Insane Carpentry Turnaround

Some people just don't understand how the world works. In this story, a spoiled brat tries to blackmail a carpenter into making a near-impossible exception for him based on who his father is. Fortunately for our hero, things don't work out as planned.


Text - 47% 6:46 pm +61 5 Today Hi there, I was wondering what the turn around time for a custom desk is. I need the height to be 700mm. Width enough to fit triple 24" monitors side by side. l'd like a keyboard sized area at the front slanted forward for ease of typing/gaming 17:25 Hiya, I have a template for that exact design. Around 2 weeks before we can start it currently 17:30 Oh, can you do it sooner by any chance? I was referred by M 17:32


Text - I'm sorry 2 weeks from now is the best I can do at the moment. We're quite busy asM stopped importing and rely on us now 17.35 Thankyou. I'll inform s that you weren't helpful at all and they'll pull the contract How long now? 17:36


Text - Still 2 weeks 17:39 I will seriously notify Mark and I will advise him to not use you anymore if you can't do better than 2 weeks 17:47 ?? 17:49 ..dos weeks 17:50


Text - I'm not joking 17:51 ?? 17:53 Hold a second, I'm on the phone with Mark 17:54 You are not 17:55


Text - He said 2 weeks 17:55 ?? 17:57 He's calling you now 17:58 hello? 18:00


Text - I can't believe you actually snitched to him. You don't even know my name? 18:03 I said "some dude with (your number) is saying he wants to discuss pulling our mutually beneficial contract Mark. Would you like to chat with him?" 18:05 ok look, I'll do you a favour since you're so nice 18:06


Text - so how long already? 18:10 just re-checked my schedule 18:15 and??? 18.17 well???? 18:18 Hang on just crunching some numbers 1827


Text - If you say 2 weeks i swear 18:28 2??? 1830 I better not say anything then, I wouldn't want you to swear 18:36 just say it!! what the hell is wrong with you? 18:37 oh my god!! How long does it take? 18:40 Never mind. screw you 18:43


Text - ....3 weeks 18:58 F you 19:00 Type a message


Text - Mark Today Mate, i tried calling you. Preet is a little pissed and wants to know why you were being rude. I explained it was the other way around and it was his son making stupid demands. Can you forward me the chat log? I'm with him now 16:24 Done and done. Make sure he reads the lot. He'll see i was polite but a little smart assey for obvious reasons 16:29


Text - Look he apologizes for his kids behaviour. He has a party coming up next Friday. Can you sort him out as a favour? 16:34 Mark I'm sorry mate but I've got jobs on which have deadlines. The materials won't even arrive in time. Even if they did i really don't wanna work back to back 24 hour days. 16:39 Noted mate, I wouldn't either 16:41 Type a message


Text - +6 Today Hi, I'm sorry about yesterday I really need this, can you accommodate me please? 17:06


Text - I'm sorry champ I really can't. I've got jobs in progress by people who's money I have. I promised them a finish date and I can't dog them. 2 weeks to start then a day or 2 to build. Then there's shipping to Melbourne 2-3 days right there 17.09 Come on man please! My birthday is next Friday! 17:12


Text - Dude. I don't have the parts, even ifI built it this weekend it won't get to you in time. Enough man 17.14 I didn't want to play this card. Mark is the GM but I'm sure you know who my father is now? 17:16


Text - Yes Mark is indeed the Great Man. I can't imagine how hard it would've been growing up not knowing who your father is. I don't know who he is either 17:19 Get rekt! I know who my father is!!! I'm asking you if you know since he asked you to do a favour for him??? Mark asked you too! 17:21


Text - Jesus Christ kid what are you 7? 17.23 Get rekt? yesterday you told me foff. You haven't unf off yet. Get rekt is the best you can do? 17.25 sorry sorry. Please I'm 19. I really need it please. ok? My dad gives you work you'll get much more! 17:27


Text - Oh no kiddo. You didn't just go there. I give YOUR dad work. Take that thumb and stick it somewhere holy we're done 17:31 No no no no no! i didn't meant it that way sir!!! 17.33 Sir!!! sorry! look I'm sorry. 17:37


Text - really? 1737 Yes!! 17:38 truly forever and ever? 1748 yes! yes! I'm totally sorry! 17:49 ok???? 17:49


Text - ok 17:50 So you'll do it???? 17.51 sir?? 17:55 yes, yes I will 1802 by next Friday?? 18:04


Text - this ones for u/Mennarch 18.05 what? 18.06 sorry wrong message Hey you know that shooter game that's popular with the kids? 18.08 PUBG? 1809 PUBG?? 18:12


Text - No no no, the one with the stupid dances 1820 Fortnite! 1821 There ya go 18.28 I don't get it! 1829


Text - 18.30 Are you saying 2 weeks??? 18:32 https://youtu.be/9v 33jcEDk4 18.33 I'm not a fat lady!! what is that? 2 weeks?? f you!! fyour stupid shit I'll just go to Officeworks S head 18:37 I'm showing this to your dad and the Great Man Mark 18.38 Type a message

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/2HHqQwl

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