Times People Became The Very Thing They Swore To Destroy

Was there ever a time in your life when you realized you became the very thing you swore to destroy? Imagine someone spending most of their life despising all landlords until one day they come into a bit of cash and decide to invest in some property. Well the property tax is pretty steep, so they offset the financial burden by renting out the basement. Boom: they're now the thing they always hated. One may have strong views about things that feel pretty rigid, until that person's frame of reference changes slightly and their whole world view is turned upside down. One redditor asked people to recount times they become the thing they swore to destroy, and the answers are pretty entertaining. 


Font - r/AskReddit u/Deskarthus • 5d Top Awarded 1 1 2 66 9 54 S57 8 67 When did you "become the very thing you swore to destroy"? 54.0k 13.0k 1 Share


Rectangle - Noah-Izzy · 5d 3 6 Awards Drank a shit ton of milk when I was a kid because I believed lactose-intolerant people were wimps. Lo and behold, I'll shit my pants if I have a glass of milk nowadays. Reply 3.5k


Rectangle - Disorderly_Chaos · 5d 1 Award When I vacuumed up a lego and was like "eh" Reply 2.0k


Font - vdiben99 · 4d You monster 23 ... FoolOnTheHi11 • 5d wow did this hit home. I did the same thing this morning 10 namelynamerson · 4d Tbh l'd go to more effort to save a 1x1 brick than a quarter eveisshady777 · 4d And with it, you vacuumed up your entire childhood.


Rectangle - equalsolstice · 5d S 8 17 Awards When I got put in charge of people at work I said I was gonna be a cool boss! And then I realized that there's a lot more to it and omfg these idiots are fucking up and I have to answer for it Reply 15.9k ...


Font - paulc899 · 5d 23 Awards I make video games and 95% of my career have been on consoles. Had to help out a team at work a few years back with a mobile game and they made me add in the bit where the pop up comes up asking you to rate the game. I died a lot inside then. Reply 22.6k


Rectangle - Once_An_Optimist · 5d 2 3 4 Awards I bought crocs and a weedwacker on the same day, end me now. Reply 4.7k ablebagel · 5d 3 Awards anyone can be a father, but it takes crocs and a weedwacker to become a dad 1.2k


Rectangle - Hitaki_Rider · 5d 8 1 Award I used to be anti smartphone. Now if it's not by my side I go crazy. Reply 7.9k


Font - chick3nn00dlesoup · 5d 11 Awards Won the 8th grade poetry slam by writing a poem about my anger towards my grandfather for drinking and smoking himself to death. By my 22nd birthday I was putting down 2 packs of cigarettes and a pint every day. Now l'm 3 months sober and clean from cigs though. EDIT Wow thank you guys for the positivity, support, and rewards! It brought a tear to my eye, and I really needed this today. Thank you, kind internet strangers. Reply 1 2.0k ...


Font - Electro313 • 5d 2 e 3 3 18 Awards A few years ago I would say "yo" ironically to make fun of people who said "yo." Now I start almost every conversation with "yo dude" Reply 26.9k RavioliGale· 5d 8 12 Awards How long will it take people to learn this unbreakable law of the universe: Irony will always develop into sincerity, given enough time. 1 8.0k ...


Font - Ov3rdose_EvE • 5d 3 2 Awards 2 years ago, i put down new grass in the small part of the frontyard that i own. i sat down, picked up a book and and read a bit in the garden. when i looked up my nephew from next door was rolling across my freshly layed down patch of grass. i told him to "get of my lawn". i was 26. age happens faster than you think Reply 4.6k SmittyShortforSmith · 5d I'm a new house owner. I've just recently been finding poop in my yard from a dog I dont own. It's really pis


Font - sebrebc • 5d 8 3 Awards In the late 80s, early 90s, I was a typical skater/ punk/metal head teen. I swore up and down I would never "settle down". I didn't want some 9-5 life with the house and family. I am happily married, have a great career, and love every second of it. There are times when I sort of wonder what my life would have been if I just kept doing what I was doing. But I'm pretty sure I would be miserable. Screwing around and partying is fun when you are 17-23, but in my 40s.


Font - Sethrial • 5d God. I partied a lot my freshman year. Now, ten years later, I can have a couple of beers and have a good time, but any more than that and I'll be paying for it for days. 1.9k alwaysiamdead · 5d I partied nonstop from 19-21. At 35 I have half a can of White Claw and want to nap on the couch. So old. So boring. 1 1.5k Dokterz • 5d 7 Awards Drinking White Claw is like drinking TV static while someone yells the name of a fruit from the next room. 2.5k


Rectangle - goddamnraccoons · 5d F O 8 41 Awards The day I told my daughter she cant have ice cream for breakfast Reply 51.6k ...


Font - TannedCroissant · 7d 3 8 12 Awards I always said l'd never be a pet person.... but we're fostering a cat while its owner is in hospital and now its 1AM and I'm on the sofa with Buddy cuddling up to me and.... yeah.... it's kinda cool. Reply 1 12.4k


Font - The_Specialist_says · 7d My parents are African and they always made the food so fucking spicy when I was a kid. Now, I'm like this meal needs more cayenne and scotch bonnets. Reply 1 1.0k ...


Font - BeetsBearsBattle • 7d 22 Awards My entire life while growing up all I wanted to do was be a police officer. Received my bachelors in Political Science and minored in legal studies and criminal justice. Received my masters in criminal Justice. Scored top 5 in physical and written exams at every agency I applied. No criminal history and no previous drug use. I was denied by every single agency. Entered law school, applied for an internship at the DA's Office while in law school, was denied.


Font - ImDedNgl • 7d 3 8 4 Awards I used to make jokes about edgy people but now I'm always sad and anxious and I try to make light of it through depression jokes, Now my friends make edgy jokes about me :/ Reply 1 14.1k ...


Font - KatPiss_NeverCleen • 7d 3 8 4 Awards I vehemently insisted that leggings weren't pants and should only be worn with dresses or skirts. Ten years, one baby, and one pandemic later? Sure, they're pants. They're practically formalwear at this point. Reply 11.4k


Rectangle - joe_jonases_eyebrows · 7d Working for a personal chef company but also wanting to eat the rich. I'm not eating them, I'm feeding them. Reply 1.1k

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