37 Funny Memes & Tweets Full Of Perfect Randomness

We all have at least two versions of ourselves. The ambitious, idealized version who has dreams and aspirations, and the indulgent, evil self who favors procrastination and takes joy in squashing all your hopes and dreams by watching YouTube until 4am while eating Doritos and forgetting to drink water. There is a such thing as a happy medium—maintaining a healthy level of motivation and accountability without being too hard on yourself when you do indulge in a bit of mindless entertainment. Beating yourself up with self-deprecating thoughts only leads to more failure. That's why we savor and cherish our meme-scrolling sessions as well-deserved breaks, rather than feel guilty about it. Think of these memes as your reward for being a functional human. 


Human - Dana Donnelly O @danadonly one thing i have learned during the pandemic is that zoom makes u look gorgeous and google meet makes u pok disgusting. 11:00 AM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Hand - Every morning Finley wakes up and chooses violence


Font - A more accurate Gatorade commercial would be a really hungover dude in bed trying to drink it without sitting up all the way


Organism - Julicorn @ChicksRule Ancient depiction of the first CVS receipt 10:37 AM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Trousers - This medicine may cause death: People in the ad:


Organism - An English Human @English_Channel Friend: you have some food on your face Me: where? 6:08 AM · 2/12/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Billiard table - Ran into an old friend from preschool at the bar last night


Product - royse @Roysenotes can't stop looking at this photo of my cat getting caught red handed doing whatever the hell she's doing 3:37 PM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Human body - like keeping my metabolism on its toes. Like what's it gonna be today, complete starvation or 6,000 calories.


Photograph - Men: it's so unfair, men always die earlier than women Also men:


World - An English Human @English_Channel My house after 10 minutes without wifi 6:54 AM · 2/16/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Smile - Men thousands of years ago vs. now How the hell do I cut this? @acceptablememes


Organism - Sooz @CruisinSoozan A reporter on the news used the term "pre-toddler" in a story. guess "baby" was too wordy. 5:14 PM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Rectangle - You've heard of no pain no gain, now get ready for NO MASK NO CROISSANT


Vertebrate - Oh Skoog @Skoog facebook marketplace is something else $1 $250 Big Ass Mirror 73"x42" 9:05 AM · 2/9/21 · Twitter Web App


Horse - The Newest Testament Presents: BIBLE 2 VOLUME 1: HAIL TO THE KING OF THE JEWS, BABY! JEB DZIDY One of the rare times when the sequel is better than the original


Font - wittyidiot @stephenszczerba ... If true crime has taught me anything it's that eventually my partner is going to murder me, so know if I ever peacefully fall asleep next to you it's bc I love you, I've made peace with it & I hope you get away with it


Product - When you've already said "damn that's crazy" 6 times but they're still talking UD GHT


World - Bob Janke @Bob_Janke Extreme Ironing Bureau More images Extreme ironing Sport Extreme ironing is an extreme sport in which people take ironing boards to remote locations and iron items of clothing. According to the Extreme Ironing Bureau, extreme ironing is "the latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt." Wikipedia 8:13 AM · 2/7/21 · Twitter Web App


Font - Bae: Come over Batman: I'm fighting crime Bae: My parents aren't home Batman: *tears up* same


Font - Chelle @BombChelleMama No thanks keyboard warriors, if wanted to argue with someone l'd call my ex. 2:13 PM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Food - 2 types of people


Organism - miss bae @yungskuntebony We took MySpace for granted, music on ur profile and no discourse that's all we needed 4:22 PM · 2/17/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Forehead - Me: See that marbling there? That would make a great steak! Everyone else at the autopsy:


Photograph - When your kid says mom for the 745th time Fbicrunchymama0128 BRUH.


Ecoregion - Some people don't realize the size of the country I mean look how far Washington DC is from the United States NORTH DAKOTA Quebec MONTANA MINNESOTA Ottawa Minneapolis Montreal SOUTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN VERMONT Toronto MICHIGAN IDAHO NEW HAMPSH WYOMING NEW YORK MASSACHL Chicago IOWA NEBRASKA Salt Lake City PENNSYUVANTA New York Philadelphia NJ ILLINOIS INDIANA OHIO IEVADA United States Indianapons UTAH St. Louis WEST VIRGINIA COLORADO KANSAS MISSOURI KENTUCKY VIRGINIA Las Vegas Nashville


Bird - 'Merican Eagle


Product - That Pesky Aubrie @AubriePesky ... Whatever, so do I * Chrome OS System • now Sign-in again Your Google Account(s) need attention 6:04 AM · 2/9/21 · Twitter for Android


Outerwear - Now I'm no hairdresser but something is off here.. RK


Computer - While watching NASA's stream of Perseverance landing on Mars, I've noticed this in their office of ground ops control. NASA Watch NASA's Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! Do obejrzenia icdestępnij 1000 5635555A WIĘCEJ FILMÓW NA ŻYWO * YouTube E THIS IS FINE. OC


Food - If I ever see somebody eating a taco like this ...Ima just smack it outta they hand bruh ..they don't deserve it are in forms that your body car not absorb and are combined broken apan sible to dige with molecules that your body cannot use. As the taco travels probably n "waters' wh smell or ser think of foo and near th through your digestive Carbohydrates Lipids Protein duction of saliva play gestion. food, mak also cont break do plex carb Figure 33 Biting in its phys makes t also inc fo


Human - The Alex Nevil @TheAlexNevil | ate 6 bananas before they went bad, and now I can't stop thinking: "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." 11:18 PM · 2/18/21 · Twitter for iPhone


Art - Every triangle is a love triangle when you love triangles. -Pythagoras


Plant - Doc @D0CATCDI here I am.. Stuck in the middle with you! Clowns Jokers 10:38 PM · 2/18/21 · Twitter Web App


Billboard - At my local middle school CHIEF JOSEPH MIDDLE SCHOOL Help stop the Spread Eagles! 504


Organism - Horatio Quartzjixler ... @Quartzjixler I've never blessed the rains down in Africa but one time I invoked divine favor upon a light mist in Willacoochee, Georgia. 3:19 AM · 2/10/21 · Twitter for Android


Nose - when someone says no to me cries in Princess]

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/3uj9MAH

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