49 Pretty Good Memes To Help Ease The Monotony

Surprise surprise. More snow. Some of you thought it was over, but ohhhhh no. Not even close. Looks like we're all hibernating for the rest of winter, so it's time to get creative with the indoor activities. If you can't think of anything new and exciting to fill the dull, dark days with, at least you know there's always gonna be memes to fall back on. Memes are like a security blanket that never gets old or tattered. Let these decent random memes warm up that cold heart, and if this dump isn't enough for you, we've got even more here!


Eyewear - When your boss asks why you need to leave early Bro, I'm straight-up not having a good time.


Dog - nobody: small dogs:


Text - Apøllo @apolloamrr_ Tam a: Man Woman Retail Worker Looking for: Women Men a car to hit me


Text - Me : Sips coffee Мy poop: Bonjour


Photo caption - When you wake up and check if the 30 GB download has finished but then you realize that there was a pop-up window asking to confirm the download: made with mematic


Dog - Dirt bike for sale, runs a little ruff, couple of nuts missing, good condition for age $2,500 OBO! HONDA


Text - There's nothing worse than having a Cranberries song stuck in your heeeeeeead, in your heeeeeead, in your head, in your head, in your hea, hea, hea, head....


Footwear - The "I ain't wearing no mask in your business!" Starter pack KIRKLAND ANCA ATHL ET


Font - when you successfully make a sandwich at 3 am without alerting your parents splonter cel


Cat - When the customer makes a stupid joke but you need the job so you give your best fake smile


Scissors - Remember when the teacher would hand out scissors in class and by the time it got you, you would get stuck with a pair of these? That's what being an adult is like every minute of everyday.


Cat - Me already angry A doorknob grabbing my clothes


Text - LIVING Human lab rats needed: Would you get infected with coronavirus for $4,500? By Kirsten Fleming fb.com/DunderMifflinMeme I've done a lot more for a lot less. Photo: u/DjJaykay/Reddit


Outerwear - 9 CONVERSATIONAL TRICKS TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE COOL AND THÉODEN, KING OF ROHAN INSTEAD OF SAYING THISS SAY THIS COOL THING Have we met? I know your face What happened? How did it come to this? See you later- I take my leave I'm beat My body is broken Let this be the hour when We should hang out we draw swords together! How can I What would you have me do? help? I would see you smile again Alas that these evil days should be mine Cheer up --. We live in a society ** What's the p


Squirrel - Me thinking "hmm... now I need something sweet" after I just ate


Canidae - When your owner forgets they fed you and you get 2 meals @shitheadsteve Medium Small Larg WOOF SIZE


Text - Me trying to make an actual personality for my sims Follow @simsaddictedteen Becky Brown @beckybrown 47, alcoholic, unemployed, activist, bisexual, mom to 3 kids, & 5 dogs, vegan, mentally unstable, divorced, widow, dead inside, chicken nuggets addict.


Text - NM @ninamorla customers wanna be right soo0o bad. like damn go clock in since u know so much


Text - HOW I TALK TO CUSTOMERS "Hey all you cool cats and kittens... METEL HOW I TALK TO MY COWORKERS Guess what Motherf***er!


Product - @angela_791 My Dad and my boyfriend got these ramen and flip flop floaties and have been like this for hours...


Shed - When you accidentally say you want to kill yourself in front of all your coworkers For legal reasons, that's a joke.


Text - Gonna ask my momma if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table.


Face - When you're helping a customer and another one barges in asking for help and you're just like Could you, like chill for a sec?


Text - Heather @HavingFunYett I love when people in brand new cars worth $40K wanna play road rage with me in my $1200 POS. Mother fucker I will kill us both


Product - My gf: "whát đó you want for dinner?" Me: "bring me the bucket" Her: "the bucket?" The bucket: Macaroni & Cheese 180 i O MASHABLE • 2 MIN READ Costco is now selling a 27-pound bucket of macaroni and cheese


Face - The masks I wear The masks I want to wear hothistorymemes


Community - People in their thirties discussing TikTok:


Text - 1984's George Whorewell @EwdatsGROSS Due to enormous personal flaws I refuse to work on, I will be arriving 20 minutes late with iced coffee, please respect that


Cartoon - Me: *sips coffee* The poop in my butt: @heckoffsupreme IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT


Text - Thursday at 3:48 PM • I almost dropped my phone on my soft carpeted floor but thank god I have lightning fast reflexes and was able to slap it into the wall instead


Cat - Please bro Please pet me Please I'll front u a 20 if u do 69 man i need to purr so bad bro please


Arm - Backpack filled with Spaghetti Os $20 Posted 5 hours ago


Product - "Describe yourself in 3 words" KS Sensitive Mini Adult Girl Life


Cat - Know Your Cats! Himalayin' cat Himastandin' cat + Himasittin' cat coleandmarmalade.com


Mason jar - Bragging about my Partner when no one asked jar SWEAR JAR @tinyBPDbxtoh


Dog - When u definitely heard a noise in ur house but ur too afraid to turn around and look IG:OShitheadsteve




Brain - Quitting alcohol to save money Quitting alcohol for mental and physical health Quitting alcohol to git gudder at DOOK ETERNAL


Text - Age 4-7: WHEEE dood Age 8-12: роop PakientAlid- Age 13+: dood

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/2M9v2aN

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