'Free Therapy' Twitter Thread Is Chock Full Of Wisdom

One of the greatest casualties of sub par healthcare is the accessibility of psychotherapy. Meaning, it's woefully inaccessible for most people. The copay is often exorbitant, even if your provider takes insurance, and it's practically a full time job looking for a quality therapist. The whole process makes fighting depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses seem nearly impossible. Twitter user @CarolineMoss seems to be very aware of this dilemma, and decided to create a twitter thread of "free therapy" using wisdom people have learned while talking it out with professionals. 

"If you go to therapy quote tweet this with the best thing you learned at therapy that way everyone else can get free therapy." 

That succinct sentence has already received over a thousand replies, and many of them offer up incredibly wise and heartfelt advice. We've put together some of the more "important" bits of guidance for you to scroll through - hopefully they grace you with the same healing effect it had on us. 


Text - Caroline Moss @CarolineMoss If you go to therapy quote tweet this with the best thing you learned at therapy that way everyone else can get free therapy


Text - DemoChrissy @DemoChrissy NT UNE TH Replying to @CarolineMoss and @Nicole_Cliffe That everyoneneeds a coping mechanism. There are bad ones(drinking, drugs, violence) and good ones (excercise, meditation, therapy). Pick a good one so you can avoid the bad ones, bc we all have things we needs to cope with


Text - Sailor Nichols @sailboatsail Replying to @CarolineMoss When meeting new people, don't think about it as trying to get them to like you- think about it as trying to see if you like them / if you get along with them. Rather than focusing on what they must be thinking about you, focus on what you think about them. Changed my life.


Text - @_sputnik1 Replying to @CarolineMoss and @Nicole_Cliffe The best thing a therapist ever told me is that society doesn't need to be the one to set me schedule. I'm allowed to eat breakfast at 11, go to bed at 1am. There's no correct mold to fit, just find whatever works best for me.


Text - Hurricane Merry @Merry_Quinn Replying to @CarolineMoss and @Nicole_Cliffe Anxiety is not intuition


Text - Susanna K. @superflippy Replying to @CarolineMoss The #BestThingATherapistSaid to me was to break everything down into smaller pieces. No, smaller. No, even smaller. The first step to taking a shower is walking to the bathroom.


Text - K J @kjones912 Replying to @CarolineMoss Someone's very best effort at loving you still may not be the thing that you need. it doesn't mean they're not trying hard enough, or don't love you enough. It means that's all they're capable of doing. And you have to decide if that's what you're willing to live with


Text - carrie oakey @carrioakee Replying to @CarolineMoss Thoughts aren't facts.


Text - Renata Strause @REStrause Replying to @CarolineMoss Therapist in her late 80s: Everyone in their 30s feels guilty for not keeping up with their friends. Just send them card once a year and then in your 50s, you'll start going out for happy hour with them again.


Text - El Campbell, Artist and That One Bitch @EIShemena Replying to @CarolineMoss Most of us are doing our level best, including me, but we are all of us gonna hurt someone someday. I don't need to take that personally.


Text - josiah @jgulden 6h Replying to @CarolineMoss Your thoughts/feelings/impulses are not you. They're neurological phenomena you've been conditioned to experience in response to stimulus. You can respond to them in one of four ways: t10 96 josiah @jgulden-5h Reactively indulge them Reactively suppress them Consciously engage with them (if useful) Consciously release them (if not useful) Reactive response are generally a product of trauma, but your agency to choose another response is largely


Text - Margaret @sophiered Replying to @CarolineMoss Identify behavior that helped you cope with growing up in a dysfunctional family, but doesn't serve you well as an adult. Recognizing the pattern is the first step towards doing things differently now.


Text - Katie Gallagher @miskaten Replying to @CarolineMoss Every behavior is a need trying to be met.


Text - Jil @OLCVTA Replying to @CarolineMoss If you can imagine the worst thing, you can imagine the best thing. Both things are imaginary. Say outloud verbally the positive outcome, repeat until it feels more real.


Text - Jen T. @stuffjenlikes Replying to @CarolineMoss and @Nicole_Cliffe Other people having it worse does not make your pain any less real. I.e., someone else's broken ankle doesn't mean yours isn't sprained.


Text - Alex Kinghorn @AlexKinghorn BOOMER LIVES Replying to @CarolineMoss Emotions aren't bad, though some tend to be more productive than others. You may be doing better than you realize. Sometimes being frustrated or angry is better than in fear or depressed.


Text - W Katie @kappatau314 Replying to @CarolineMoss Avoid saying "should". It's too easy to fall into pressuring yourself and pushing yourself too much. Reframe and rephrase. "I like how I feel "I should exercise" after exercise", "I should do laundry" "I want clean clothes"


Text - Grecia Small @greciasmall Replying to @CarolineMoss I learned Do not attempt to understand why a dysfunctional person does what they do. Dysfunction has no logic behind it. Knowing This, has spared me anxiety and unneeded turmoil


Text - Shasta Deanna @ShastaDeanna Replying to @CarolineMoss "If you take care of your body during times of crisis - it will take care of you" (nutrition, sleep, exercise) - "some people don't have the same tools in their tool box we wish they had" (when people don't know how to care/love you in ways that you need)


Text - Wendy Marsden @marsden_wendy Replying to @CarolineMoss This wasn't mine, but a friend heard, "your marriage wasn't a failure: it actually worked pretty well for over twenty years. You've just graduated from it to something else."


Text - Kay @kwte428 m the liberol pro choice pro goy marnoge secular, outspoken feminist you were warned obout Replying to @CarolineMoss and @Nicole_Cliffe Best thing I learned is your experiences, your trauma, your pain, they are beads. And each experience compiles a necklace we wear. But we are not our traumas. We are the string underneath


Text - Melanie Sweeney @mellie_sweeney Replying to @CarolineMoss If you're vulnerable with someone, and they respond with cliches or hollow advice that makes you feel worse, don't keep baring your soul to them. Talk with the people who are capable of engaging deeply, and don't walk around exposing yourself to everyone else just bc they asked.


Text - Emily M. @emilyadele Replying to @CarolineMoss "Don't should all over yourself.". II 10:57 AM 11/25/19 Twitter for Android


Text - Jess Ondras @JessOndras Replying to @CarolineMoss Itold my therapist, after several weeks of anxiety reduction, that maybe I'm someone who never will be "happy" And she told me that happy people aren't continuously happy. Happy people just experience less anxious and depressed days, and that definition helped me reach "happy"


Text - Dominic Mendez @domendezz Replying to @CarolineMoss Confrontation doesn't need to be a bad thing or an argument. If you're having trouble talking about a problem, try writing down a bullet list of the issues, why it's an issue/where it might stem from for you, and what can be done to fix it


Text - Thurman Merman @therman_merman_ Replying to @CarolineMoss If you can see the train wreck from a mile there's still time to hop off away the train


Text - mayormac @mayormac MAY Replying to @CarolineMoss From couples counseling: When talking to your spouse about chores & errands say things like "Have we done x yet?" Or "Did we do x?" - acknowledges that both are equally responsible for the task w/out blaming either if it's not done


Text - Ester Bloom @shorterstory Replying to @CarolineMoss Someone told me that Kristen Bell's therapist told her that honesty without tact is cruelty and I wrote it on a Post-lt and keep it on my desk


Text - TrielaRhyfel @TrielaExen Replying to @CarolineMoss Same actions have same results, if you want something to change you have to start acting different Feeling alone is not the same as being alone, we often can't see how many people loves us when we're blue


Text - Cindy Gross [she/her] #BefriendingD... @CindyGross Replying to @CarolineMoss My attempts to "fix" or help others (individuals or cultures) are signs I am trying to heal something related (often that exact, literal thing) in myself.


Text - Kimya Dawson @mrskimyadawson Replying to @CarolineMoss Anxiety causes me to put things off a lot and in group therapy we worked on "the 15 minute rule". If something feels impossibly overwhelming I set a timer to work on it for 15 minutes and that takes away that "I'm about to swan dive into a bottomless hole" feeling.


Text - knit to forget @got1eyeopen Replying to @CarolineMoss Anxiety stemming from past trauma is reduced significantly if you reconnect yourself with the present when it hits. Things like attention to breathing, sharp flavors (apple Jolly Ranchers), and hot spicy tea help me.


Text - Ashley @ashley_hoffman Replying to @CarolineMoss Don't make any big life decisions when you're in the middle of an anxiety attack or depressive episode 7:27 AM 11/25/19 Twitter for iPhone 8 Retweets 171 Likes flaura and fauna @Lauraaaaah0103 2h Replying to@ashley hoffman and @CarolineMoss And for some, your period. My anxieties and ocd are worse at that time and I always want to make rash decisions. Wait it out until you can think clearly. 25


Text - Leslie Kowash Missing Student OWEN KLINGER Let sen Oet , 201 @LKowash ELP US PND owe Replying to @CarolineMoss I don't have to believe everything l think, just because I thought it.


Text - Bob Merger @MergerBob Replying to @CarolineMoss Just because your significant other loves you, they don't always know what you're thinking and what you need. Don't think "If they loved me they should know." A simple straightforward conversation can clear up a lot


Text - TJ Davis @Ttown316 Replying to @CarolineMoss "You are not responsible for the version of you that they created in their mind."

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