Mommy Group Posts That Range From Cringey To Full Karen

As younger people abandon Facebook for Instagram and TikTok, it seems like we're more aware of all the crazies that frequent the social networking site. Some of the best places to find unhinged and ignorant people are mommy/parenting groups. There's an overwhelming number of Covid-19 nonbelievers, people who do extremely weird sh*t with breast milk, and of course - lots of talk of essential oils. If the children are our future, and they're being raised by these people, we might be more screwed than we thought. 


Text - Yesterday at 4:26 PM • A When having an unassisted birth if something goes wrong do you call an ambulance ? Also how long do you wait to call the ambulance, I'm a dog midwife so if the dog doesn't push the second pup out within 4 hours you take her in to the emergency vet. So like is there anything with humans ?


Text - 2:28 facebook So thinking a protest to open playgrounds in is needed...anyone else agree? I am not want to start things like this but come on...the least affected by Covid but forced out of all activities. They are not planning opening playgrounds until July 1 and maybe not even then! Our kids need outside play and other cities around us have opened. I know I can easily take my kids to other playgrounds but we rely on walking to them. We as parents should be the ones to decide what is saf


Text - this is just absurd. I want all adults to get exercise and am all for it. But if there's one thing this Mama Bear has had enough of during this situation, it's the KIDS being robbed of their rights because they don't have a voice. Adults who are allowed to go to restaurants and grocery stores and work and lap swim could also be the highest risk people for covid, while the extremely extremely low risk kids are punished and not allowed to do the low risk and healthy life-giving activities t


Text - I currently have covid 19 and I'm 15 weeks. But my symptoms were not bad at all, and I'm actually back at work even though I'm positive and me and baby are just fine 47m Like Reply


Text - Replies Children under 12 shouldn't wear a mask, especially under 5. The mask truly doesn't help anyways and restricts their airways! Don't waste your time. Maybe tell your children they are super heroes who don't have to wear one because the rest are villains. Or something funny. Lol 18 9h Like that is what I was thinking! He wants to wear it which I find funny but I like your idea! 9h Like Agreed with all of this! 8h Like 2


Text - 23:26 tacebook 9+ 21 23 hrs Facebook Mentions So... I am the meanest mom ever... Like... Ever. Took the kids to Dairy Queen after dinner. They ordered their dessert choices and we waited about 5 minutes for them to call out our number. The young lady (maybe 17) handed each child their ice cream. Not one looked her in the eye. Not one said thank you. Not to her, not to me... So I waited. I counted to 10 in my head as they dug into their ice cream and the young lady just looked at me (proba


Text - Does anyone have any solid research on using essential oils for toddlers? My son's OCD is becoming a huge struggle for him and I would so much rather try something natural over medicating like his pediatrician is pushing for. But I feel like everything I'm seeing for oils under the age of 6/7 is so conflicting! Any tips on where to find good info? O Like Comment


Text - I hope NO store MAKES me wear a mask. I am sorry but with my medical problems I REFUSE to wear a mask. A mask will make me MUCH sicker. I talked to an employee the other day in Wal-mart and she told me since wearing a mask she now has dizzy spells and headaches. She said she has been MUCH sicker wearing a mask. I told her it is because she probably can't breathe in the darn thing. O


Finger - 9 hrs · 9 Hi guys , sorry about the pic. I was wondering if something like this (silicone rubber) could be used as an arm made with a shoulder for children that are forced to vaccinate, thoughts?


Text - 10:22 & 6 al 72% Posts 48 mins • E Have any of you mamas had any luck with putting potato in the sock of your child to really pull out any sickness?ceu O Like Comment 1 rep! I did with my husband. He had a fever and was vomiting (a couple years back) and I did this. The next morning he woke up feeling better. 01 44m Like Reply


Text - ott Pa IVIUI.. 3 hrs · A Would you want your teen child put on psych medication after attempting suicide? What holistic and natural ways would you approach healing trauma to address suicidal thoughts depression ptsd? My 13 yo daughter is coming home from impatient after taking a bottle pills last weekend. I would honestly try oils! I can give you a website where people write their testimonials and maybe you can find something there. Essential Oil & Aromath


Text - created a poll i 59 mins Should our children be forced to learn to use Arabic numerals as part of their mandatory curriculum? Yes Votes No votes 46 88 Comments O Like Comment


Text - 3 days ago So, I wish these teachers would do this to make my life easier. these teachers should get our child a laptop, give them access to wifi, set up a ONE ON ONE tutorial for our kid to complete their homework, text them a reminder of their scheduled time the night before, and THEN an actual WAKE UP CALL once they're late?! .... who agrees with me? I miss school. I miss teachers #Respectusparents 14 O 14 O 26


Text - Hi can you please post anonymously? Hi everyone, I have a kid starting Ki GD in the fall. The idea that they wont be opening and will continue distance learning is not an option for me. My husband is an essential worker and I have a full time job so being home with two young kids while working at a demanding job is not sustainable. I am thinking about starting a class action lawsuit against EESD and the state as they are blocking the education of my 5 year old who will likely not get much


Text - 5:08 1 •.. I think boys and men should look like boys and men. There is already so much going against these roles in this world today. Something as easy as cutting their hair to allow them to stand apart is important !! 12 5h Like Reply says who? LIKE керту What? 5h Like Reply .what? 5h Like Reply Thats just my opinion. Gender has become very fluid these days and I don't agree with it. I believe God created men and women to be unique and very different from one another including in the wa


Text - Has 5 mins Is it safe to have house keeper back ?1 am desperate can't clean anymore 1 Comment Like Comment hal Following. Totally in the same boat!


Hair - Them Follow When a childless person tells me they're "tired"


Skin - About 2 days ago, I fell asleep with the window open and got mosquito bites. So did my son. But mines cleared up and my sons is now bigger! It originally was the size of maybe a dime 2 days ago now it's about a dollar quarter size. Is it infected? Should I be concerned? I thought that if I took the day to put medications and gauze on it that it was somewhat help .. but here we are. Also, if it matters. He's VERY clumsy. Falls at least 10 times a day, so when it's began to scab he's fallen


Text - 1 hr · A Any mommas wipe pumped milk all over their face after a shower? No? Just me? Okay. O Like Comment 1


Font - 7:47 93% Posts Moderator • 3 hrs We fixed the shitty viral meme going around. Enjoy hoars #admin Choose Formula Breastmilk Not Loved Loved Breast IS Best O Like Comment b45 View previous comments Write a comment... (GIF FB/Sanctimommies


Text - 1:55 O 86° 4G 94% 3 facebook 5 nrs • K How many you ask your partner to leave so you can give birth? I feel like having to consider him in things is stalling my labor. He hasn't done any research or if he has then he doesnt talk to me about any of it. It feels like he expects me to walk him through everything and it's honestly a huge hang up for me because I have a ton of resentment and anger towards him. I was thinking how healing this birth could be for us and blah blah blah but to be h


Text - 1 min • Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has hard fact evidence that ventilators do more harm than good for the treatment of covid please? I'm looking for my mom bc she believes they are helping ppl. Thank you O Like Comment


Text - 7:17 O 4G 65% facebook Here's where I sound judgy. But I am just trying to show how "you" are no better Just envision this. You are worried about getting sick so you wear a face mask and vinyl gloves to the grocery store. You then put items like hot pockets and soda in your cart. Not one fresh produce and nothing that resembles vegetables except the micro meal that probably has a few veggies in it. A weeks worth of food, but none of it looks like food. On top of it all you buy a carton of


Text - Yesteruay at 7:07 pm · Serious question, I expect a serious reply. Trolls just keep to yourselves. Here goes. I have several different types of healing crystals in a silk purse, which is supposed to keep them pure. One crystal is for use when I get a headache. The other crystal comes out when I am down and need to lift my mood. Given both crystals seem to work just fine, is it remotely possible that theres a crystal which helps prevent CoVid 19 and others? Or am I expecting too much? othe


Text - ... In times of need, don't forget there are mothers out there with spare breast milk! O Like Comment Share 17 1 share Getting a pump now to help sweet babies! 9w Like Reply I don't have much but can help 9w Like Reply Moms with coronavirus will actually have the best breastmilk to fight this shit. Antibodies LLb lol 9w Like Reply


Text - Yesterday at 2:29 pm IT'S TIME TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE: "Stop calling it "Quarantine". Quarantine is for the sick. This is house arrest.. Stop calling it "Social Distancing". There is nothing social about forced isolation. Stop saying "Safer at Home". Because for millions of people in abusive situations and with mental health struggles, their home is anything but safe.. Stop saying this is for the "Greater Good". No good can come from the government picking and choosing who is essential a


So angry right now. My daughter got scanned at school today... Get this, after they played together in the playground in the morning before class. Please research the risks of this new devices they are using. If there was a Virus wouldn't you think they would be at the gate as you enter. Do not let them scan you child on the forehead where your 3rd eye is!!!! I put her in Steiner school to try and get away from all this. I feel it was very sneaky. I have told her not to consent to it and have pr


Product - Facebook App Sponsored · O Join 8-year old fashionista, Fas she celebrates the Asian and Pacific Islander children's authors that have been keeping her entertained at home with help from THE BOOK CLUB KIDZ Facebook Group. #APAHM #MoreTogether Schoo om Hume Ciderd Tbh. I'm tired of prodigy kids. Especially now! Let them be young! Let them be curious! 7m Like Reply


Text - ... 10 hrs Does anyone sneak breast milk into their toddlers food to give them an extra boost of vitamins? I have a little extra each day and think it would help protect against Covid? What do you think? 12 38 Comments O Like Comment I sneak my milk into scrambled eggs.. good for the whole family lol


Text - I just think of the WW2 generation and my ancestors who fought in the American Revolution. Just for us to be told we have to wear masks and can't go to church bc of a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate? It's mind boggling! But don't get me wrong. I don't want the virus! But I also think I either had it or will get it at some point. 6. 4h Like Reply

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