A Mixed Bag Of Memes For Bored Scrolling

Happy Hump Day, y'all. If you're anxiously awaiting the imminent end of 2020, you're not alone. We're right there with you. And we're bringing memes to tide us over til the clock strikes midnight tomorrow. Hopefully 2021 is at least a little kinder to us. 


People - Me explaining to my parents why I'm not having kids Wit Ar aborteddreams abortedeams -This curse ends with me.


Skin - My wife: I think the British version of The Office is funnier than the US version Me: @tank.sinatra TO ME, IT'S A BIT OF A RED FLAG,


Nature - When u get a snack in the middle of the night and run back upstairs so the monster won't get u


Textile - Can someone explain what is happening here at H&M? Who is buying these gowns from the 1918 Funeral Collection? 1999


Cheek - Illegal Immigrants are leeches because Donald Trump is so smart for not paying taxes! they don't pay taxes! imgflip.com JAKE-CLARK.TUMBLR




Text - Reporter: The U.S. has 4% of the global population and 24% of the world's COVID-19 death, how is that a success? McEnany: We use different numbers E WHITE HO WASHINGTON


Finger - When ads start popping up for stuff I've only thought about inside my head.


Eyewear - When you're American and other Americans keep doing stupid shit DUDE, YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME IN FRONT O- of the rest of the world


Organism - Pspspspsps 5


Bottle - Netflix: You still there? Everyone else | Me Chon Bala


Head - Crying in the bathroom at work Realizing you're being paid to cry


Chin - how friends convince me to go places Obaapima kwa There'll be food and drink and ghosts.


Atmosphere - nothing will kill you more than your own thoughts


Bone - boomers: "you'll become more conservative in your 30s" 38 yr old me: [mumbles in mud and rock language]


Cheek - When someone says I'm cute Im dark and brutal and filled with hatred.


Blue - When you don't know what you're feeling ... but you're feeling something FE


Rural area - WHERE'S WALDO? Ewe SOCIAL DISTANCING EDITION 11 ... Chattanooga Times Free Press Mnett itee APOLOGIES TO WALDO


Text - Helen Ingram @drhingram Not a fan of the new Harry Potter book Criminalising conta PAPER Herpes genitalis and the philosopher's stance Kilian Dunphy sexual liaison. This change of one's sexua into that of a potential agent of harm a echo themes from the fall in the garden of is oddly coincidental that snakes are studi science of herpetology, from the Greek he creep'), to the sexual subtext of vampire to present day paranoias concerning it HIV transmission. The emotional ramifi this are po


Animation - when everyone is playing a different speed and no one is at the same spot, but BD just keeps conducting @bandmemes imematic.net


People - My cat any time I use the bathroom I wanna be in the room where it happens


Organism - Nobody: Bears without the 2nd Amendment:


Human - Buying good brooms for talented students that genuinely can't afford them Buying one very expensive broom for the richest student in the school, who hasn't even played a single Quidditch match


Finger - Password Use Safari suggested password: 9Bb-wVS-C2C-dNB This password will be saved in your iCloud so it is available for AutoFill on all your devie adam.the.creator Is this a baby name?


Cheek - Everyone: *posts Christmas selfies * Me, enjoying the anonymity of the internet: No, I don't think I will


Body of water - And now it's that sad time of year when Mariah Carey must return to the ocean, only to re-emerge next Christmas.


Organism - Growing up, we were taught that the fire nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. Americans:


Nature - Look a meteor Quick get to the supermarket for toilet paper


Text - Casual Thursday @CasualThursday Ten years from now you'll put on a jacket and find a mask in the pocket. "Oh man, what a weird year that was," you'll chuckle to yourself. Then you'll pick up your machete and continue across the wasteland, keeping to the shadows to avoid the roving gangs of cannibal raiders.


Purple - If these end up on your burger but you can only take one off, which would it be? NiK @darling_nikii None, cause l'm an adult.


Cheek - Time traveler: Has the whole virus thing happened yet? Me: Yes, I feel like it's been ages... Time traveler: So, what super- -power did the mutation give you? Me:


Nose - People at my funeral talking about my meme addiction They were like golden nuggets to that boy.


Tobacco products - NABISCO Cig Newtons AL FRAT NO 5g REAL TAR PER 299 SERVING 100 0 95 CALORIES AT FAT 13, SODIUM SUGARS @blumpkinspicedlatte


Head - Me: *Accepts a friend request* Messenger: Say Hi




Human - When the house is a wreck, the sink is full of dishes, six loads of laundry erealtoughdad need to be folded, you're out of milk and you just lay on the couch like:


Text - A moment of silence for all the squeakers who lost their lives on Christmas day.


Cheek - "This is the skin of a killer, Bella"


Cheek - b.c. @beeseewilliams Recipe said 2 eggs but that didn't seem like enough to cover the whole cake? So l improvised


Finger - Tattoo artist: what you want? Girl: just combine all stereotypical white girl tattoos into one Tattoo artist: say no more The.purple.sock

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from Memebase https://ift.tt/2KMf2ed

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