17 Humorous & Wholly Unnecessary Film Details

If you haven't been following the Shitty Film Details Twitter account, you're technically not missing out at all. It's chock full of largely useless and sometimes completely fabricated film facts that won't do you any favors at trivia night. But since we spend the day scrolling mindlessly through memes, we kind of dig this uselessness. Maybe you will, too. 


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Bruce Willis stated that "Cop Out"(2010) was the most difficult film he'd ever made. He cited hating the script and not wanting to be there as the main challenges PINCHE CAVACH


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails At the end of "National Treasure" (2004) Benjamin Gates (Nic Cage) learns that the real treasure wasn't gold or jewels, but instead the friendships made and the adventures they had along the way.


Text - Though actor Robert Downey Jr.was paid a total of $250 million for his participation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he's admitted privately that he'd have done it for as little as $225 million


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails While the state of Georgia did provide "Avengers" filmmakers with some lucrative tax incentives, the state's proliferation of Waffle House Restaurants would present unforeseen challenges.


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Harrison Ford starred as Han Solo in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (2015) because that was the only way Disney would give him the $40 million dollars.


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Actor Tom Hanks took a method approach to developing the titular character in "Forrest Gump"(1994) When director Robert Zemeckis saw him eating paste for lunch one day he told him to "dial it back a bit"


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails In "Ghostbusters" (1984) Winston (@Ernie_Hudson ) was hired so the rest of the team could feel safe while busting ghosts above 125th street.


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Producers of the upcoming "Shrek 5"(2020) recently shared via Twitter - "We regret to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, Smash Mouth will be contributing new music to our film"


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Unlike Stephen King, who has been highly critical of film adaptations of his work, author William Shakespeare has remained conspicuously silent


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Since we don't see Shailene Woodley's character pass away in "The Fault In Our Stars" (2014), we never find out if she was just faking her illness for attention


Adaptation - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Quint's death in "Jaws"(1975) was actually a strategic sacrifice. His high blood alcohol content inebriated the shark making it easier to kill.


Cartoon - In order to secure a "G" rating from the MPAA, "Monsters Inc." animators we're forced to obscure both of Sully's penises with shaggy blue hair.


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Despite dying in early 2012, Hollywood lcon Clint Eastwood continues to work. In the year's since his passing he's directed 5 films and is in the early stages of planning a sixth. THE


Text - Fat Bastard's flatulence in the third "Austin Powers" film was actually recycled sound clips from the second "Austin Powers" film. This was done because the foley artist who had recorded the original farts died of congestive heart failure before he could record new farts.


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Despite being at sea for 5 days, Rose is never shown defecating in "Titanic" (1998). Since she never complains about discomfort we can assume this is happening off screen. >


Text - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails With 191 sequels, "Full House"(1987) is one of the most expansive film franchises of all time. That isn't even taking into account the other spin-offs in the FHU ("Fuller House")


Poster - Shitty Film Details! @ShitFilmDetails Actor Robert Downey Jr. was the Directors first choice to play Ironman in "Ironman 2" (2010). His appearance as Ironman in "Ironman" (2008) made him the natural choice.

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